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Me not that kind of orc!


Mad Madisson
Hey there!

I’m usually known online as Mad Madisson, Mad, Maddie, or however you wanna spell it. My real name is Anamaris. Call me whichever. It’s always funny to hear how people pronounce my real name. Few, that aren’t from PR, rarely get it right. XD

PR, means Puerto Rico, where I’m from.

Thank you google maps

I found Alt Tab Me just looking for stuff to listen to while I was at work. I stumbled upon the podcats while looking at the recommended videos on you tube. I recognized Tristan from an older GW2 podcast a friend had showed me like a year ago.

What really convinced me to join though was the Wildstar recruitment video. I found myself nodding in agreement to everything they were talking about. I also loved how the guys interacted and got along with each other, which reminded me much of my own friends and how we are when we talk about gaming. I don’t usually join places like this, cause I’m not a real “social” person online or off. I’m not very good with words and get tangled when I want to express my ideas, but, I figured, why not take the leap? Give it a try. So here I am.

Around September, I’ll be moving from PR to China for about two years. Lately I’ve been busy preparing for that since it’s a month and a few weeks away, but would still love to play alongside you guys if we ever have the chance. Sadly, I rarely have the time during the week since I work full time, but I try my best to keep Sundays free so I can play all day and most of the night if possible. Once I'm settled in China my schedule is definitely changing, and I might have extra free time. Yay!

Here’s a list of most of the games I’ve played. Ignore the times on those, raptr seems to be weird with that. I'm looking forward to hearing from all of you, and maybe play alongside you guys. =3
Welcome to the site! China certainly sounds like an interesting adventure! Anyway, kick back and get to know everyone!
I found myself nodding in agreement to everything they were talking about.

People tell me that a lot actually. I've had habits of always nodding when I'm not speaking lol. At least that way people can know I agree / disagree.
You can say that again. It'll take me two days just to get there. That alone is gonna be some type of adventure. Been wanting to get my hands on some books to read to keep me entertained. So far I only have World of Warcraft: Vol'jin: Shadows of the Horde in my list. Anything else you recommend?

Thanks for the welcome a Zakis. :justdontknow:[DOUBLEPOST=1376523686,1376523493][/DOUBLEPOST]
People tell me that a lot actually. I've had habits of always nodding when I'm not speaking lol. At least that way people can know I agree / disagree.

lol, right? I even do it without people being there. I know they aren't there. Not really I mean, but I act as if they were, sometimes even talking back while listening to podcasts. The girl in the cubicle next to mine just peeks in curiously and asks if I'm talking to her. XD
You can say that again. It'll take me two days just to get there. That alone is gonna be some type of adventure. Been wanting to get my hands on some books to read to keep me entertained. So far I only have World of Warcraft: Vol'jin: Shadows of the Horde in my list. Anything else you recommend?

Thanks for the welcome a Zakis. :justdontknow:[DOUBLEPOST=1376523686,1376523493][/DOUBLEPOST]

lol, right? I even do it without people being there. I know they aren't there. Not really I mean, but I act as if they were, sometimes even talking back while listening to podcasts. The girl in the cubicle next to mine just peeks in curiously and asks if I'm talking to her. XD

Game of Thrones? I dont know I haven't read much lately aside from that and some Warhammer books, the Ciaphas Cain series specifically.
Game of Thrones? I dont know I haven't read much lately aside from that and some Warhammer books, the Ciaphas Cain series specifically.

Haha, no worries. I was actually thinking GoT. Did you enjoy the Warhammer books?
Sweet as man heading over to China, trust me you will have a mad time! and as a fellow newcommer, welcome! Where abouts you gonna be in China, I lived there for 5 years so if you want to know any little tid bids bout anything just drop me a line or message and id be glad to pass on what I know..
5 years!? Wow, that's awesome. I'm heading to Chengdu for a while. Dunno if I'm staying there the whole 2 years. I honestly don't have much of a plan. Just head on over there to live with a friend for a bit and try and make enough money to get by. I might bombard your inbox soon. XD

Thanks for the welcome!
People tell me that a lot actually. I've had habits of always nodding when I'm not speaking lol. At least that way people can know I agree / disagree.

I think of it more like a really super excited puppy wanting a treat, well minus the tongue flapping.. It's always obvious when Bruce agrees. -brucethumbsup-
As far as books go, if you like the Forgotten Realms then I would greatly suggest the series called "The Legend of Drizzt" which has a ton of books!

I have to read the Transitions Trilogy, the Neverwinter Saga, and The Sundering (whatever that ends up as). I didn't realize Transitions was after the Hunters Blade - just found out about Neverwinter when I was at Chapters tonight and bought it haha.
Hello and welcome. Looks like you'll probably be with the night crew, which of course is the best crew. -brucethumbsup- I see you play Torchlight 2, we should play! sweetloaf Crake and I play fairly often! Anyway, it's cool you're just picking up and going, I really respect that.
Thanks for the welcome guys.

Ah wow, I didn't think about those books at all. I had seen them before and had been curious, but never got around picking one up. Thanks for the recommendations Rajax!

Hey Dainjre~ I'd LOVE to play Torchlight sometime. The reason I stopped playing was 'cause my friends didn't seem as in to it as I was. XD
I kinda did find the grouping up a bit tedious, but I loved the game's style so much, I was hooked.
5 years!? Wow, that's awesome. I'm heading to Chengdu for a while. Dunno if I'm staying there the whole 2 years. I honestly don't have much of a plan. Just head on over there to live with a friend for a bit and try and make enough money to get by. I might bombard your inbox soon. XD

Too easy man, if you ever got a random question ill try my best to help out!
Hey Dainjre~ I'd LOVE to play Torchlight sometime. The reason I stopped playing was 'cause my friends didn't seem as in to it as I was. XD
I kinda did find the grouping up a bit tedious, but I loved the game's style so much, I was hooked.
Yes, it is a pain sometimes, but it is a ton of fun to play with a group. Add me on steam! The info is on my profile. /nyan
You can say that again. It'll take me two days just to get there. That alone is gonna be some type of adventure. Been wanting to get my hands on some books to read to keep me entertained. So far I only have World of Warcraft: Vol'jin: Shadows of the Horde in my list. Anything else you recommend?

Hello, officially! What kind of books are you into? I've read so many in so many different genres I could probably open my own library.

P.S. Warhammer books are great as "popcorn reads". What they lack in decent writing they more than make up for in Rule of Cool. If you're gonna jump into the Warhammer world through books I'd recommend Brunner; it has all sorts of stuff from zombies to demon-crack snorting ratmen to dragons and corrupt governments all the while following a batman-esque mercenary.
Yes the Ciaphas Cain Series is awesome reading. Great story and really immersive into the Warhammer universe. Game of Thrones is awesome as well, although the show is amazing so idk if you want to balance both those. I am reading and watching the show as the seasons come.
Sounds like you got a lot going on. I recently had a friend leave for China. I forget which part, but I know that she was going as a college exchange student. She was born in China and adopted into America, so she was excited to go "home" as it were.

I've been watching too much anime to read anything lately, but my favorite author is Stephen Lawhead. He writes Celtic fiction and historical fiction. My favorite series of his is the Pendragon Cycle, which retells the legends of Merlin and Arthur, tying them back to Atlantis. If you like medieval, Arthurian legend stuff, you may like it too.
Welcome again, Maddie!

Call me Mr. Obvious, but it looks like you're going to fit right in, ;)
Welcome! One of my best friends from college moved back to China, I've been wanting to fly out and visit him. Hope you enjoy our little piece of internet weirdness!
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