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Minecraft Minecraft Server testing n stuff


Crazy German Guy
Server is down as of now due to updating it to resurrection.

So my server is finally up and running and the big question is: Is everything working and how is the ping?

Lets throw everything out:
http://www.feed-the-beast.com/ <--get the client from here
Select horizons and edit mod pack and add Rei Minimap to it (if you want a minimap)
Then you can start it.

The serverip is: euchaleminecraft.ddns.net and there is no PW/Whitelist yet.

Feel free to mess around, I will create a new world map once everything seems to be running fine.

Personally I would wait until the modpack has been updated since there are some bugs that kill the game for me, but if you guys want, I could also just host this.

edith says:
I will post updates n stuff here:
Dynamic DNS is not updating on the Website since my software doesn´t want to save my PW. Solved


New feature, Server automatically restarts on crash after 30 secs.
Hmm, Dynamic DNS didn´t work, I have to look into this. After I typed my login data into my router again, it did update, but it should do this automatically.

Still fiddling around with it, server will be down for a while.
Since I am terribly bored right now, and I really want to watch some videos I´ve started to build this:
Oh noes, did it crash before you tried to connect to the server, or on connecting to the server?
I haven´t been on the Server for quite some time, so I will have to update and fix it if there is anything new.
Oh noes, did it crash before you tried to connect to the server, or on connecting to the server?
I haven´t been on the Server for quite some time, so I will have to update and fix it if there is anything new.

It crashed while connecting. That long stream of information on the side looked like it had a lot of not loading information on it then bloop it crashed. Lot of red letters
It crashed while connecting. That long stream of information on the side looked like it had a lot of not loading information on it then bloop it crashed. Lot of red letters

I´ve just tried it, it works fine for me. Things you can look into:
Did you start the Horizons Modpack within the Feed-The-Beast client?
Is your Java up to date?

On the other side, should we go to a different modpack? There are finally some good ones for 1.7.10 and as the first post states, I want to update it.
Good news: Server is running now.
Bad News: Spawn is directly in tainted territory, so I´m going to recreate our world a few times. Anybody has a good seed?
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