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Movie: Drinking Buddies



From IMDB:
Luke and Kate are co-workers at a Chicago brewery, where they spend their days drinking and flirting. They're perfect for each other, except that they're both in relationships. Luke is in the midst of marriage talks with his girlfriend of six years, Kate is playing it cool with her music producer boyfriend Chris. But you know what makes the line between "friends" and "more than friends" really blurry? Beer.

I just finished watching this and I must say I really, really liked it. A lot. It feels more like real life than a scripted drama that needs to hit all the points a drama hits to be a movie.

It's not what you would expect from a main stream romantic film. It has a real indie movie feel, but it has lots of A list people in it. Anna Kendrick, Olivia Wilde, Jason Sudekes, Jake Johnson, and Ron Livingston. All faces you will recognize if you spend a good amount of time watching tv and movies.

The acting is incredible in this. They all made me believe that they were living those lives. A few times the editing of the movie was stunted or jarring. I felt that maybe they had a take or two they didn't like and had to cut one in. Otherwise the movie flowed great and told the story perfectly.

Olivia Wilde and Jake Johnson are the two main focuses of the film. Jake Johnson blew me away. I have only seen him in a quirky comedy role (New Girl tv show). He showed great depth and range, more than I expected from him. Olivia Wilde was as amazing as I expected her to be. I have seen her play some great roles in the past, but this one really shows she can play a range of real emotions. By the end of the movie she felt like a real person, not a character on the screen.

I recommend this movie to anyone who likes character driven dramas, or indie chick flicks.

Finally there is one note I want to say about the movie, but I recommend you watch it first before you read it. It will probably change how you view the movie, and its better if you experience it first then come back and check the spoiler.
This movie was not scripted. All the acting was improvised. The director had the road-map of plot points he wanted the actors to hit but they all had the free rein to play the roles as they felt. This is frankly amazing to me. The acting is AMAZING in this, and to know it was all them makes it even more so. This also explained the editing parts that I didn't like so much. Minor cuts for some scenes but that's why it happened.
I like almost all of the actors/actresses that are in this movie. I'll definitely check it out. Is it something new? My normal means of seeing a movie are not showing me very many results.
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