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Naked and Afraid


Praise the Sun!
Naked and Afraid is a show about two survivalists who are thrown into some remote jungle with no food, water, or clothes. The task is to survive for 21 days. What do they get for doing this? Nothing. A pat on the back. You did it. Good job.

Watched this on Discovery the other night. The premise is so out there but it was a fun and refreshing take on a "survivor" type show and it feels more real because of the lack reward.

Check out this article if you are interested. It has a lot more information.
meh. it's lacking one factor to make it a true reflection of reality- motivation. Bragging rights are not usually enough to get some one to do WHATEVER it takes to survive vs just crying uncle if it gets too tough. Some fiercely competitive people may disagree, but without something tangible to fight for I expect this to be a pretty passionless competition.

Would you spend hours and hours raiding if your only reward was a cutscene you'd already seen on YouTube?
Sometimes the adventure is the reward in and of itself. I think that's what the show is pushing. They want you to watch to see what crazy things happen to these people. In the episode I saw the guy had to kill a poisonous snake that bit one of the off-screen producers. Stuff like that is reason enough to tune in.
meh. it's lacking one factor to make it a true reflection of reality- motivation. Bragging rights are not usually enough to get some one to do WHATEVER it takes to survive vs just crying uncle if it gets too tough. Some fiercely competitive people may disagree, but without something tangible to fight for I expect this to be a pretty passionless competition.

Would you spend hours and hours raiding if your only reward was a cutscene you'd already seen on YouTube?

There were plenty of people in WoW that raided and did some ridiculous things JUST for an achievement to show off. Being on TV doing something crazy is like the same thing, right?
First thing i would have done is made some freaking clothes and defeat the name of the show.
But the TV show threw them into the wild "naked and afraid". But yes when i first saw the commercial i was a little disgusted that they have this on the discovery channel. If i wanted boobies i would watch Game of Thrones
But the TV show threw them into the wild "naked and afraid". But yes when i first saw the commercial i was a little disgusted that they have this on the discovery channel. If i wanted boobies i would watch Game of Thrones

Because people or anything being naked for that matter is not a natural thing.
Being naked is natural. However its not something i want to have a child watching. Discovery channel is usually the channel i used when i was watching cousins.
I watched this show the other day, enjoyed the novelty of it. I do like it more then some of the other 'survival' options.
Being naked is natural. However its not something i want to have a child watching. Discovery channel is usually the channel i used when i was watching cousins.

Oh, I thought the Discovery Channel was about the natural world. My mistake. I must be thinking of MTV or something.[DOUBLEPOST=1372872871,1372872827][/DOUBLEPOST]
I watched this show the other day, enjoyed the novelty of it. I do like it more then some of the other 'survival' options.

Dual Survival is my favorite so far. I haven't seen this one yet to decide if it's better or worse but Dual Survival is pretty legit. It's also funny as hell sometimes.
Dual Survival is my favorite so far. I haven't seen this one yet to decide if it's better or worse but Dual Survival is pretty legit. It's also funny as hell sometimes.
Yeah I liked that one too; they have a good dynamic on that show that makes it entertaining.
There were plenty of people in WoW that raided and did some ridiculous things JUST for an achievement to show off. Being on TV doing something crazy is like the same thing, right?

I daresay they were the minority. I met a lot more people that would quit raiding if they didn't get the loot they wanted and others that would quit raiding as soon as they got the loot they wanted. Maybe I just had a poor sampling.

The potential TV fame could be a motivating factor though. I dunno, the whole idea of "reality TV" irks me. If they are being filmed, it's not reality.

For even the most "primitive" of civilizations, naked is not natural or normal. Which is why they put "Naked" in the title. Sex sells. I'd be much more interested in a series that followed a real life group of people that live with only what they have been able to find and make for themselves.
Oh, I thought the Discovery Channel was about the natural world. My mistake. I must be thinking of MTV or something.[DOUBLEPOST=1372872871,1372872827][/DOUBLEPOST]

Dual Survival is my favorite so far. I haven't seen this one yet to decide if it's better or worse but Dual Survival is pretty legit. It's also funny as hell sometimes.

Dual survival is awesome. This show is doctored crap aimed at ratings. I read that in the first season they hospitalized one of the survivalists because she got food poisoning. I also laughed my ass off at the producer getting bit by the fer de lance. How uninformed do you have to be to tramp around a jungle full of the islands most deadly snakes without steel-toed boots, or at least some sort of guide (Manny Puig probably needs some money?) to steer you clear of potentially dangerous animals.
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