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GW2 Naval Combat


I'd really like to see some naval combat in WvW, especially with the underwater weapon sets. It'd be badass if they put like a couple objectives out in the water. Supply camps that use boats and a port instead of a dolyak. Maybe have some towers out in the water, or a keep on an island. Maybe a server can make a boat with enough supplies and man it. Cool stuff like that.

Naval warfare was my favorite part of Darkfall, and I think GW2 could do it AWESOMELY. Maybe have a couple different sized boats with different resource costs. Huge warhulks and then some 3 man boats with only a cannon or two. Have ways to climb the side of the ship to board. Maybe certain ships have the ability to drop those boarding planks across the distance and run over. Lots of potential for badassery, gonna suggest it next time BWE forums open up.
Sounds like it would be on their list. They already have underwater entrances to certain areas of the WvW buildings. That would be really cool.
Yeah it has to be coming. Probably not for launch but I sense a naval expansion. :p

God just imagining epic cannon exchange between ships as they draw near to eachother, knocking people offboard. Your ship starts sinking, but as you draw near, the particle effect hell starts up, and you all manage to board and take command of the ship. Would be so badass. :D
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