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So my girlfriend is into the whole anime thing and whats me to pick a series to watch with her,the thing is i have never really been into anime and never really watched any. So i was wondering if you guys could suggest a good series for me to try out and see if i can get Interested in it.
So my girlfriend is into the whole anime thing and whats me to pick a series to watch with her,the thing is i have never really been into anime and never really watched any. So i was wondering if you guys could suggest a good series for me to try out and see if i can get Interested in it.

Depends on what type you are interested in.
What kind of movies do you like? Sports, action, romance, etc etc. and then lets go from there because there are so many animes out there and lets narrow it down to a category.
Action, Drama ,Comedy
Depends on what type you are interested in.
What kind of movies do you like? Sports, action, romance, etc etc. and then lets go from there because there are so many animes out there and lets narrow it down to a category.
Action, Drama, Comedy.
Action, Drama ,Comedy
Action, Drama, Comedy.

A few good ones come to mind, Air Gear (Action, comedy and some drama but also M rated IMO)
Historys Strongest Disciple Kenichi (Very funny, lots of action)
Fairy Tail
Sword Art Online (highly recommended)
Soul Eater
Inuyasha (old but still really good)
Hunter X Hunter (One of my favorites, highly recommended)
Dragon Ball Z (Who hasn't watched this as a kid though)
Cowboy Bebop

Just a few to start you off. I bet Gyoin has a few he can recommend for you
Depends. If she likes action/drama and can handle some blood, check out Attack on Titan. Sword Art Online has more balance of relationships and action. If you like comedy, Ranma 1/2, Full Metal Panic, and Slayers come immediately to mind for me.

Of those, Full Metal Panic has a nice action/comedy/drama balance.
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