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New from Hawaii!

Andrew Snyder

New member
Hey, saw (by saw I mean, my friend saw it and told me about it) about this gaming community on the wildstar and it seems particularly interesting. I have an interest in becoming a full member but as the Application says, I should post and be active a bit before I submit any formal applications.

A little about myself. I am currently in the US Navy stationed out of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii. My full enlistment ends in March of 2014 and I will be getting ready for a fun filled college life (yay, it's free!). I finished my last deployment not too long ago and starting to get back into gaming now. Currently trying to play to 80 in Guild Wars 2, though as stated before I have a real interest in the game Wildstar.

I've played a multitude of MMORPGs over the years and a big fan of Sony game consoles. I am also a martial arts. Always trying to learn something new and keep the mood light and carefree. Well I think that's pretty good for a first post but if you have any questions feel free to ask and looking forward to talking/playing with you all soon!

By the way, the name's Andrew!
Hello and welcome! First of all, thank you for your service (the rest of you vets have my gratitude as well). I really appreciate the military peoples, because I am not one. Anyway, I see the anime lover thing, so I gotta ask, whatcha reading and or watching right now?!
I was watching "My Little Monster" on Crunchyroll. It's a bit of a rom-comedy, very blunt and straightforward. Though I have to say the latest one that I watched that really left an impression was "Attack on Titan", absolutely loved the first 13 episodes and I can't wait to see the rest of the series. If I realized it hadn't all come out yet I probably wouldn't have watched it -_-. Also recently saw "Sword Arts Online" in which the first half was great but the second left me unimpressed.
I was watching "My Little Monster" on Crunchyroll. It's a bit of a rom-comedy, very blunt and straightforward. Though I have to say the latest one that I watched that really left an impression was "Attack on Titan", absolutely loved the first 13 episodes and I can't wait to see the rest of the series. If I realized it hadn't all come out yet I probably wouldn't have watched it -_-. Also recently saw "Sword Arts Online" in which the first half was great but the second left me unimpressed.

Ahh, yeah I read the manga for stuff mostly, but Ive read all the way to the current shingeki no kyojin (attack on titan), it gets pretty intense, and a lot more questions are raised. If you haven't seen any of the following, I would highly recommend them...
Cage of Eden
History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi
Hunter x Hunter

Hunter x Hunter is pretty popular, the rest not so much, but they're very good.
First off, thank you for your military service. Welcome to the community! Grab a beer and jump in to some of the threads on the forum! While Wild star will be a big focus for us, our members play many other games as well.

Just jump on mumble sometime and see what everyone is up to!

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I read the manga for most of them myself. I've actually read all four of those already and I have to say History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi has to be my favorite since I am a huge martial artist. Also a lot of fan service >_<. Bakuman was surprisingly interesting for a story like that but I guess I should expect that from the guy who did Death Note. Hunter X Hunter was an amazing till it got to the Ants. Cage of Eden, I haven't caught up to in a while, kinda of want it to finish completely and then finish the rest of it.[DOUBLEPOST=1374478937,1374478457][/DOUBLEPOST]Thank you Zakis, Need to get myself a new headset before I start hitting up mumble, but shouldn't pose much of a problem. Yea I play all sorts of games so I am sure I will be joining everyone in game soon enough.
Which martial arts are you? One of the more popular ones? Did Bruce Lee invent you?

Did Bruce Lee invent me? Haha first time I have ever heard that one. I have a black belt in both Taekwondo and Tang Soo Do. Both of those are essential the same except that Taekwondo is more of a sport while Tang Soo Do is much more traditional. Very kick heavy fighting. I also took about 2 years of Kenpo which is by far my favorite. A good combination of hand, kicks, pressure points, and locks. A much more aggressive style. Ground techniques are my weak point at the moment but I hope to fix that in the future.
Which martial arts are you? One of the more popular ones? Did Bruce Lee invent you?
DAMN. Someone else pointed it out first.

History's Strongest Disciple Kenichi
Hunter x Hunter
ALL AWESOME. Highly recommend all of these.

Also recently saw "Sword Arts Online" in which the first half was great but the second left me unimpressed.
.... HOW DARE YOU. SAO pushes the emotional content to a new level in the second season. It's a little less actiony and no real side stories as the first season, but it really is an amazing series. A lot of people here have read the books as well (Anime ends at Book 4, there are 12(?) books now. I'm on book 5). If you have the time, I'd suggest giving them a shot.

Also, welcome from not Hawaii!
Welcome! I'm jelly of your free college (albeit I wouldn't want to enlist to get it). I think my current debt tally is right around $120,000. Yay for going to ivy league but ending up with the same pay rate as everyone else. :(
Cage of eden is actually finished completely, and because you've read bakuman you won't be surprised by how the ending turns out, not saying it's not worth the read.
Cage of eden is actually finished completely, and because you've read bakuman you won't be surprised by how the ending turns out, not saying it's not worth the read.
It's on my to-do list now :p I just couldn't recommend it since I haven't seen it.

We need to make a new anime/manga post. The one we have is so scattered and no real discussion. I'll whip something up later today in our TV/Movies area I guess.

/end thread hijack
My brother in law was stationed out there several years ago. Last name of Pasche. I believe he worked with helicopters.
Hello and welcome! /salute for your service to this country. Pearl Harbor has to be one of the greatest yet more emotional places to be stationed. On one hand you are in a very somber place where only 1 of a very few attacks on US soil have taken place. On the other hand you live in Hawaii.

Can you tell us what is going on in your profile picture? Is that your bird, please tell me it is!
.... HOW DARE YOU. SAO pushes the emotional content to a new level in the second season. It's a little less action and no real side stories as the first season, but it really is an amazing series. A lot of people here have read the books as well (Anime ends at Book 4, there are 12(?) books now. I'm on book 5). If you have the time, I'd suggest giving them a shot.

I am sorry but I think it just didn't have the impact as it did from the beginning with the anime version at least. The idea that you could live or die was what kept the first half attention and when the games lost that, I just didn't feel as scared for the characters since they weren't really in much danger (except in a few instances.)

You should read Lost Saga the manga if you ever get the chance, though there isn't a fear for death, I love the characters a lot more. (It's another Virtual reality MMO anime.)[DOUBLEPOST=1374513529,1374513424][/DOUBLEPOST]
Cage of eden is actually finished completely, and because you've read bakuman you won't be surprised by how the ending turns out, not saying it's not worth the read.

Wasn't done when I was on deployment. Will have to check it out soon but I am still catching up on all the TV and gaming I missed :D.
I am sorry but I think it just didn't have the impact as it did from the beginning with the anime version at least. The idea that you could live or die was what kept the first half attention and when the games lost that, I just didn't feel as scared for the characters since they weren't really in much danger (except in a few instances.)
Spoiler from here on out lol

But the fact that the virtual reality still had the consequence of succeed or fail still had that pressure! Knowing that if failing, Kirito would lose the only bit of joy that would be carried over from that life in SAO. Not just the fear of life or death, but the fear of a reason to exist and not exist within the actual world, with Asuna being the reasoning behind it. Having the scenes of Sugo smelling her hair while unconscious gave you that feeling of disgust and hatred. It changed the viewpoint of SAO to be instead of survival, to be about pushing for something you believed in and strive for. Plus, add in the emotional side of his cousin, it blends this wanting to see Kirito want to succeed and to be with Asuna, but also to see how their relationship pans out.

Little less action, a bit more emotion and character development. That's what really sold season 2.
Can you tell us what is going on in your profile picture? Is that your bird, please tell me it is!

I absolutely wish, This was taken in a side branch of the Mall of the World in Dubai. It was one of those booths selling photos for a 'nominal' fee. Worth it though.
Spoiler from here on out lol

But the fact that the virtual reality still had the consequence of succeed or fail still had that pressure! Knowing that if failing, Kirito would lose the only bit of joy that would be carried over from that life in SAO. Not just the fear of life or death, but the fear of a reason to exist and not exist within the actual world, with Asuna being the reasoning behind it. Having the scenes of Sugo smelling her hair while unconscious gave you that feeling of disgust and hatred. It changed the viewpoint of SAO to be instead of survival, to be about pushing for something you believed in and strive for. Plus, add in the emotional side of his cousin, it blends this wanting to see Kirito want to succeed and to be with Asuna, but also to see how their relationship pans out.

Little less action, a bit more emotion and character development. That's what really sold season 2.

I don't limit myself to just Shounen, I also read Shoujo too. I read plenty of emotion intense manga or watch the animes. Personally I was a little bitter that they let the quality material they had in the first half go away so fast. There was a lot they still could have done and made the series interesting. Just based on the concept and the world they lived in they could have done 2-3 complete seasons based on watch was happening in Sword Arts Online.
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