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I don't limit myself to just Shounen, I also read Shoujo too. I read plenty of emotion intense manga or watch the animes. Personally I was a little bitter that they let the quality material they had in the first half go away so fast. There was a lot they still could have done and made the series interesting. Just based on the concept and the world they lived in they could have done 2-3 complete seasons based on watch was happening in Sword Arts Online.
Read the books.They're in my dropbox, I'll add the links for you if you're interested. I think book 5 will be a bit closer to your liking.

But yeah, I watch/read all kinds. Wasn't trying to insult your tastes, just that I differ HEAVILY on my views of SAO :)
Read the books.They're in my dropbox, I'll add the links for you if you're interested. I think book 5 will be a bit closer to your liking.

But yeah, I watch/read all kinds. Wasn't trying to insult your tastes, just that I differ HEAVILY on my views of SAO :)

Haha no insult taken, I enjoy talking about these things. Just with a name like Sword Arts Online I expect more action then sappy stories and emotions! :alien12:
Welcome to the site!

I always *want* to get into martial arts but then I never can decide on which I would want to do since there are 92384750923845 different kinds around so I just end up sticking to the gym lol.
Welcome to the site!

I always *want* to get into martial arts but then I never can decide on which I would want to do since there are 92384750923845 different kinds around so I just end up sticking to the gym lol.

Look at schools around where you live (for convenience sake) and take a few free classes (most do this to draw in students). You might find one that fits well doing just that. It's a lot of fun and sparring is way more fun than just going to the gym!
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