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New Theme!

LOL she didn't? You mean you implemented this sugary sweet confection of code all by your evil self?!?! Muahahahahaha!!! You are an evil pony genius!!! And I am either a flying squirrel or a prissy persian.

It is just some CSS to mask the actual theme mixed with a few graphic updates here and there. :) Katie's April Fools joke would have turned your entire computer into a pony with rainbows shooting out of your harddrives. But don't get me wrong, she didn't say NO when i first showed her it lololol
Here kis to better understand what Katie and I do:

Katie's code:

      var loadBtn = dijit.byId('loadBtn');
      var userDialog = dijit.byId('userDialog');
      var okBtn = dijit.byId('okBtn');
      var userTxt = dijit.byId('userTxt');
                var output = dojo.byId('output');
                output.innerHTML = 'loading...';
                    url: 'http://twitter.com/statuses/user_timeline.json',
                    content: {
                        screen_name: userTxt.getValue()
                    callbackParamName : 'callback',
                    timeout: 8000,
                    load: function(resp){
                        output.innerHTML ='';
                        //Regex text formatting based on @Derek's example
                        tweet.text = tweet.text.replace(/((ftp|http|https):\/\/(\w+:{0,1}\w*@)?(\S+)(:[0-9]+)?(\/|\/([\w#!:.?+=&%@!\-\/]))?)/gi,'<a href="$1" target="_blank">$1<\/a>').replace(/@([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/gi,'<a href="http://twitter.com/$1" target="_blank">@$1<\/a>').replace(/#([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)/gi,'<a href="http://search.twitter.com/search?q=%23$1" target="_blank">#$1<\/a>'); 
                          var n = dojo.create('div',
                              class: 'tweetBox'
                          //add user's image if they have one
                          if(tweet.user && tweet.user.profile_image_url){
                              var img = dojo.create('img',
                                dojo.place(img, n, 'first');                 
                          dojo.place(n, output, 'last');
                    error: function(e){
                        output.innerHTML = 'Error retrieving tweets: ' + e;
                    preventCache: true,
                    handleAs: 'json'
    //show main form now that parsing and event hanlding is setup
    dojo.byId('main').style.display = '';

Tristan's code:

background-color : #E9F4FE;
border: 1px solid black;
overflow : auto;
Ok we like the April Fools jokes as much as the next guy and we also like when they end! So we updated the main post with a recap. Thanks for having fun with us today! I am sure it is April 2nd somewhere in the world :)[DOUBLEPOST=1364865609,1364864845][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh and here are the Avatars that were jacked.

I cannot believe you desecrated Eddard Stark in FRONT of the Weirwood. Way to anger the Old Gods.
I'm so bummed I missed this in its full glory! My new avie makes sense now at least. Well, at least as much sense as the sexy tire does anyway.

Well played, Tr1age!

And to any of you who were secretly hating: Friendship is magic!
Curtech, I like and Watch the show when its on, not that I actively look for it but when my baby daughter is watching Discovery kids all day long... you can't avoid it, Funny thought? my wife HATES the ponies with a passion!! I think they are actually VERY cool.
Curtech, I like and Watch the show when its on, not that I actively look for it but when my baby daughter is watching Discovery kids all day long... you can't avoid it, Funny thought? my wife HATES the ponies with a passion!! I think they are actually VERY cool.

I preferred sailor moon when my lil sister watched it.
Oh and grats to all those who survived April Fools! You now have a cool achievement!


enuf said :)

Edit: I didn't get the April fools achievement. The account Baldorax with one x did. Lol you can delete that account. I forgot the password to it
I think I'm getting old, because I absolutely hate April Fools day. Not because I don't enjoy a good prank, but because this is the day where every non-funny son of a bitch out there tries their hardest to be funny, and fails miserably.

Oh you said you're pregnant but you're actually not. Hilarious. There's no way anyone could have expected you to play a joke on April 1st.

This should have probably gone in the rants section *killme*
Amusingly enough, my mother found out she was pregnant with me on April 1st.
That is unfortunate for anyone she wanted to tell lol

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