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Wildstar Open World PvP from Comic Con


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During New York Comic con many of us had the opportunity to hop on the demo and get into some PvP action in. Some of us would log in just looking for trouble!

Based on my experience playing the demo, I noticed that there were at least two dynamics that made world PvP in WildStar very interesting.

The first, is that the NPC's become a part of your strategy. Because of the free-form targeting system and movement required, NPC involvement actually becomes a part of the strategy. For example, if you are a Warrior going up against a Spellslinger, you'll position yourself in a place where the caster's damage will aggro NPC's which will give you a numbers advantage. Or, as a warrior you'll want to make sure you're not using Whirlwind next to a pack of mobs or else you'll invite more damage that you'll want to deal with! Remember, it's not as simple as just making sure you have your enemy selected. Whatever direction you aim - you'll aggro everything in your telegraph!

The second aspect that sets it apart is the fact that there is so much freedom to react. As you will see in the video above, a fight can cover a huge chunk of the map due to all of the movement required to win. This movement forces players to become more strategic with skills and abilities in order to have breakout game-play ready when needed. The last thing you want to be is rooted in the middle of an exploding mushroom or while that Spellslinger is lining up a Charged Shot!

The above video was recorded during New York Comic Con featuring some players that were new to WildStar and had spent a good amount of time playing PvP throughout the weekend. While it's clear that even after a few tries they were still getting the hang of the controls and skills, you see a glimpse of how fun WildStar open world PvP can be.

Source: http://www.wildstarfans.net/2013/10/wildstar-open-world-pvp-gameplay-video.html
I got to finally get my hands on Wildstar at NYCC. It was tough being thrown right into the thick of things while trying to get a feel of the game. I played for maybe 5-10 minutes trying an Esper and a Spellslinger. I much preferred the ranged Spellslinger to the melee Esper, but it was probably because the skills were easier to figure out.

I couldn't figure out on the UI what level I was, but I think it was around 25. I had a good number of spells available to me and the skillshot type system helped to understand where to put the enemies while attacking.

The gameplay felt a lot like GW2 mixed in with classic WoW questing.

One thing I learned was the Aurin will have different skins (not just bunnies) available to them. This is making me rethink my choice of Mordesh. I played an fox-like Spellslinger Aurin that I really enjoyed.
I got to finally get my hands on Wildstar at NYCC. It was tough being thrown right into the thick of things while trying to get a feel of the game. I played for maybe 5-10 minutes trying an Esper and a Spellslinger. I much preferred the ranged Spellslinger to the melee Esper, but it was probably because the skills were easier to figure out.

I couldn't figure out on the UI what level I was, but I think it was around 25. I had a good number of spells available to me and the skillshot type system helped to understand where to put the enemies while attacking.

The gameplay felt a lot like GW2 mixed in with classic WoW questing.

One thing I learned was the Aurin will have different skins (not just bunnies) available to them. This is making me rethink my choice of Mordesh. I played an fox-like Spellslinger Aurin that I really enjoyed.

Hrm. I may switch to Aurin if there is a hedgehog option.
The combat seems to be a cross between TERA and Guild Wars 2 with a little bit of MOBA elements tied in. This is going to make for some CRAZY WPvP encounters and Battleground (if that's what it's called) matches.

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