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Otakebi's Application

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New member

Age (must be 18+)
23, almost 24! Beers are on someone else?

Where are you from? (timezone)
I am from the UK, a city called Leicester to be precise. we run on GMT and BMT times

Do you have any friends who are Members? If so, who?
None, yet....

Character Name(s)
I use lot of different names but my mains one are Otakebi, GekidoTentei, and Iralan. Althoyugh when playing games like MMO's I like to have a name that fits the race I am playing.

What games do you wish to play with the alttabme community?
I would like to play mainly WildStar with AltTabMe. I am also interested in generally being here to hang out , make new friends, and play games. I am currently a Co owner to a gaming community myself, but its like a circle of friends, just having one limits to what you can do. For example most of my gaming clan are not interested in WildStar and wont play games like Smite with me. Making it limited to what I can do with that community has made me look else where, so I can fill the void, so to speak.

Class/Race(if applicable)
In most game the healer/support is usually my role, although I like to take an aggressive stance on doing healing and supporting. I also love the kinda of characters that create illusions and generally mess with my opponents mind .

What role do you wish to play in the guild? For example: PvP, PvE, Casual/Social
I am a heavy PvP player I do love the feeling of just roaming about and trying to kill a random all because I can. I do also like my structured PvP aswell though, and I dabble in PvE but all in all I play for the social side. Single player games are of the past for me, when ever I play one, I only can play for about an hour before I get bored. The social side of gaming is what makes it so enjoyable for me, and help me escape.

Which previous MMO's or online games have you played and how long for?
I have played quite a few different MMO's in my past. My main starting point was WoW, I made some good friends during my period of playing. One of them was just a random guy, who I ended up talking to while questing, and we even went on to switch factions, and playing arena together. Its crazy to think how a little question of where is this mob? Can create a friendship.

Anyway back to topic, MMO's I have played span alot of types. From guild wars 2, to Korean MMO's such as Age of Wushu. The life span I spend on each game depends on what it has to offer. Games like Guild wars 2 didn't last very long for me and most people for that matter. Generally its not about how long the game lasts its the people I meet while playing the game. I have many friends I have met from games that we don't even touch any more but we play lots of other games with each other. But the life of a game for me is the life of its community!

Were you a part of a guild? What was your experience?
I have always been in guild, in every game I have played. I usually end up becoming a officer of some kind because I have a tendency to help people all the time, whether it be a fellow guild member, or even the leaders with organising stuff, its just in my nature to help people. I have also always been in social guilds due to hating people who think they can shout at me for not logging in, even though real life comes first. The only problem I have with social guilds is that I like to have abit of structure for raids and some nice PvP action, which isn't always present in the guilds. In all guilds I am always up to helping lowbies out with quests, helping stop them from getting ganked, and generally just handing out goodies for free. For me guilds are like a family, you need to look after all the members, not just a minute few.

How did you hear about the AltTabMe?
How i heard about AltTabMe? Well seeing as I have been keeping a good eye on WildStar, I log into their website every Wednesday to check the latest news. I was strolling through the comments of the one to win beta invites by doing something, and came across your Podcasts for WildStar. I then proceeded to watch all of them over the next coming nights, and really enjoyed them. I then spent the next few days debating on whether I should apply to you guys. Lo and behold I am here writing this!

What will you bring to the ALTTABME community? (Chatty? Skilled? Funny? Helping?)
I am the kind of person who likes to help others and also pass on my knowledge. If I find a way to do something in a game, I like to let others know, and give others advice on how they can improve. I also believe that I have a good sense of humour, I believe everyone needs to otherwise life would be too much. I also and a quick learner and as we have established my grammar is bad, but I can take criticism to change. I believe myself to be a good player at most games, I am no pro but I believe myself to be better than average in most games. I am also the creative one, I don't like to follow like a sheep, I like to find my own way of playing.

How much time do you spend a week on games?
I spend about 4 hours a day except Tuesdays and Sundays I get some extra time to play. My peak play times are from midnight GMT to four thirty AM. I play between these times due to working evenings mostly, and then when I get back I like to spend a couple of hours with my fiancée before playing games.

Is there anything else you would like to throw in here at the end?
I think that you should change the application questions to reflect you being a Community rather than a guild. I know I am only doing the application so I am a nobody to you guys, but I believe that it would help you get more information out of people, that would help you make your'e decision better. Also from time to time I may say about how you can improve certain points of the website. From doing web design and coding I have became abit of coding Nazi, just like you grammar Nazi's. If that gets on your nerves just tell me so. I am not one to take offence by it, and if I do then I get over it really quickly. Life is to short to be a grump.

Have you finished all of the prerequisite requirements?
Yes (I read and replied to the rules, I understand I must be active on the forums to stay on the roster, and I have a minimum of 1-2 posts(other than this application), and I made sure those posts weren't just bullshit)

Enter the Code so we know you read the rules
I think that you should change the application questions to reflect you being a Community rather than a guild.

This is something that comes up every now and again, but our reasoning is pretty simple. Alttabme.com itself is a community site where everyone is welcome to come and enjoy the site as is and be a part of said community. The application process is purely to show that you are a stronger part of the community and to have access to the in-game guilds that we run. It may seem a little confusing, but the overall community is open to anyone in the public. The guild application is to take it that step farther and be in our guilds.

With that said, 100% +1 on my side! Great forum presence, mumble participation, and overall good guy :) Look forward to playing more games with you (and you not just stalking me on smite! :p)
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