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Post your typical day.


I've noticed that many times we talk about our day in chat and we ask each other "what do you do?". I realized that many of us have pretty interesting things that we work on and it might be fun to have a place to share that. I didn't want this to be a "What's your job" thread because I think lots of people do things during their day that don't relate to work.

Maybe you study something that's really interesting (or not but want to share for the lolz!). Maybe you spend your day chasing kids around. Maybe you're a professional gamer (in which case please share your secret because I'd love to be one!).

Hopefully this will be a neat way to get to know each other a little better ^_^ So go ahead. What's a typical day in the life of you?
I suppose I'll start!

My typical day involves sitting in front of a computer and goofing off on the Interwebs. This is mainly due to the fact that I work in a pretty chill office. I do Environmental Consulting, which contrary to what most people think, doesn't have anything to do with giving advice on planting trees or anything of the sort. We mainly work with banks and do assessments of properties prior to a loan going through. While that part sounds sort of boring...I like to think of it as being a detective! And it sort of is. We get to go out to all sorts of sites and see things like how a credit card gets made, the process of making the candy coating for an M&M, and all the other gritty behind the scenes processes for other businesses. Then we do a bunch of research and put it in a report to assess whether the historical or current activities have a potential to impact the soil/groundwater at a property.

A fun fact I learned while having this job is that having a clipboard gains you access to just about anywhere. We definitely had a guy do a walkthrough for a hotel that we weren't even engaged to inspect once...it just happened to be right next to the one that was ours (tax info was out of whack and yes we did end up doing the right property after we called to double check because the info didn't match up).

But I digress! So yes a typical day for me is usually an inspection of some sort (which could be either doing a walk through or actually overseeing some sort of sampling/remediation - which is way cooler than the bank process in my opinion) and then sitting in the office and typing reports, doing paperwork, answering phones, etc. I feel like a glorified secretary some days but then I just call people into my office and make them do stuff for me so I feel important again. I jk. I don't do that. Much... ;)
My alarm goes off at 5:15. I smack it around until 6 when I have 20 minutes to get out the door and to the bus stop on time. I sleep on the bus and arrive in downtown KC at about 7:15. Since I start work at 8, I usually get some coffee and watch something on Netflix (currently Dr Who). I'm done with work at 4:30 and have about 2 minutes to make it down 13 stories to catch my bus back home. If all goes well, I get home at about 6pm. If all doesn't go well, I miss that bus and have to wait for the 5:15 which gets me home closer to 7. My wife usually has edible food of some sort and my kids are happy to see me. After dinner, we watch kid shows together or work on homework or maybe take a walk if I'm feeling ambitious. At about 8pm, I get the kids brushed, pajama'ed, storied, and in bed. I then do dishes or clean something or pick something up or fold something. A little after 9pm, I'm on the computer playing GW2 until I'm too tired (usually 1am-ish) and I rinse and repeat!

Of course, I can only go on 5 hours of sleep a night for a few days at a go, so I take days off from GW2 and spend the evening with my wife, which she seems to appreciate.
Wake up.
Work as an accountant.
Fiddle with numbers.
Fiddle with more numbers.
Fiddle with even more numbers.
Leave work.
Shower to clean the fish smell.
Possibly poop again.
Play games.
Go to sleep.
Wake up.
Wake up.
Work as an accountant.
Fiddle with numbers.
Fiddle with more numbers.
Fiddle with even more numbers.
Leave work.
Shower to clean the fish smell.
Possibly poop again.
Play games.
Go to sleep.
Wake up.
Ahh. a double poop day, I love those.
Perhaps I'm missing something but...why does being an accountant make you smell like fish? o_O;
I work for a lobster company on the river. A lot of smells exist. The bait, the lobster, the cook room that processes the lobster... It seeps into everything.
I wake up at 5:30-45, shower, shave, put on boxers and t-shirt, eat cereal while looking at internet or something, brush teeth, put clothes on....dream of a world without ties...take 5-hour energy...drive to work.

I work at a high school. I'm a teacher and pseudo-administrator. I run the science department which means keep all the classes on track so we get as many of these slacking teenagers in college as possible. Its a bitch, but someone has to do it.

Drive home...spend an hour or two in the living room floor with my daughter( shes 16 months old). Eat dinner...clean the kitchen, give the baby a bath, sometime I or my wife put the baby to sleep it depends, play GW2 or watch TV with the wife or sleep.

Wake up at 5:15 AM
Head to "the office", which is the room next to the bedroom.
Check some emails, make sure nothing disastrous happened at work the night before.
Play GW2 until 7:00 AM-ish
Run some reports, send some emails, then sit on conference calls for a while. Send some more reports/emails.
Get off work at 4:00 PM
Play GW2 until 6:30 PM or so, when the girlfriend gets off work.
Make dinner.
If the GF has school work to do, we sit in the office and I play some more GW2. Otherwise, we watch some TV/Netflix or find something to do.

The weekends have recently been spent at home with the GF doing homework (In college, headed down the medical path) and me playing games. Every once in a while we jump in the truck and head out to the dunes to spend the day on the beach. One of our favorite spots is right here, and it only requires driving down about 5 miles of sand trails, so it's not too bad.

I work for Xerox as a regional workforce manager. I basically monitor the headcount for 8 different call centers and communicate trending and projected changes to the client. It requires a lot of calls to make sure everyone is on the same page, and a lot of reporting to double check anything the sites send to me. I work with 2 sites in Oregon (where I am located), 2 in Texas, one in NC, 2 in Kentucky, and one in Santo Domingo. I usually work from home 3-4 days a week. Otherwise, I head into the office which is only a couple of blocks from my house, and I'm only at the office for 4 hours of my day. My job is very much a "work until you get everything done" type of job, which rarely leads to me working long hours (thankfully), and usually puts me in the middle of the day bored posting in here, or watching youtube videos.
I dig the Google view Xiypher :) There wasn't a street view (for obvious reasons) but the pictures posted are really pretty ^_^
Not sure when my day begins, maybe you can say when my kids get up for school, my oldest who's 11 gets up at 6am and leaves by 6:55 for school, I'm up by at least 6:30 to make sure he's up and ready to go (though sometimes I'm too tired by then and all I get is a kiss goodbye, lol) At 7am I make sure my husband has his first pills for the day, usually get him a fresh drink. Then I might go back to sleep until about 8am when my youngest who's 9 should be ready for school, since he's up by 6am now with the time change, he was up at 7am usually. I give my husband his 8am pills and I'll make sure my son is ready to go and he's out the door at 8:35 for school.

After that it depends on the day and how late I was up the night before, if my husband doesn't have a doctor's appointment and I'm awake enough I'll hop on GW2 and start my gaming day. Then I just game and basically take care of my husbands every whim, which is usually just drinks, food and medicine. For those that don't know he has severe neuropathy and can't walk and is in pain all the time also has diabetes and other health issues.

I take naps if I'm tired, if not I'm playin GW2, my kids get home at 3:15 and 4pm and I make sure they get their homework done, make dinner at 6 or so and get them to bed by 9pm do dishes every night at some point before I go to bed, I cannot sleep unless they are done, lol

Most of the time I go to bed around 2am unless my husband needs me later, I've been known to get to bed at 4am. He used to be a truck driver so his internal clock is backwards, he sleeps usually all day then at night he's awake. Makes it a little difficult to get to bed at a reasonable time, lol

It doesn't sound as demanding written down, it's not easy, but that's what I do!
ummmm... ok my turn.
wake up @7:30pm, shower, dress up
@8:20pm 'ish drive to the office... I work as a Line manager for a sportsbook... nothing exiting just a bunch of numbers and VERY angry customers (yeah loosing sucks)
when i get to the office i eat breakfast at my desk, usually a HUGE cup of coffee with splenda, cream(powder) and milk(2%), a couple of sausages and eggs... it doesn't vary much as I can't eat any carbs (lately i can have 2 tortillas hehe)
then I put on my earphones and pump the ipod to start working those numbers all good... (I usually do the Soccer lines)
when i'm done with whatever needed done... reports n'stuff... just basically keep it clean and do some interwebz for lulz
then I try to Study (i get distracted quite easily lately)...
lunch at midnight and snack at 3am
drive home @6am (trafic isn't that bad that early THANK Grenth)
when i get home if i'm really tired i try to go to sleep immediately (my baby daughter is usually still asleep this early)
but usually i get to do breakfast for my wife and daughter so I eat with them... (again no carbs)
then play with the baby for a bit... check bills n'stuff that need to be done arround the house.. chores like cleaning etc...
and IF i'm lucky enough i get to play GW2 for a bit before going to bed... arround 2pm or so...

I really feel like i dont get much done... but it sucks up all of my time... being a grown up sucks. -brucecry-
when i get to the office i eat breakfast at my desk, usually a HUGE cup of coffee with splenda, cream(powder) and milk(2%), a couple of sausages and eggs... it doesn't vary much as I can't eat any carbs (lately i can have 2 tortillas hehe)

I love the detailed breakfast explanation =)

I also tend to do the same thing for breakfast every day...which is to say one to two cups of coffee. Sometimes I get a breakfast sandwich from the local Wawa (http://www.wawa.com/WawaWeb/). Yes I know it's a silly name...awesome coffee and sandwiches though so :p !
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