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Puppies in the office...


Staff member

Why! Why do people get so over come with "d'awww" symptoms when there is a puppy in the office? It is a damn puppy! We have all seen puppies before. We see them all the time actually. But because this damn thing is where we work pooping on the carpets we all go d'aww and stop working to pet the stupid thing. Don't get me wrong I have done this too, but in the back of my mind I am always saying... So this person XYZ has just bought a puppy and plans to bring it to the office everyday because they don't have time for it at home due to working too much. I can't help but think of this as bad parenting.

A. Person who cannot be home to take care of a dog buys a dog.
B. Person then assumes, fuck it I will bring it to work with me and everyone else can deal with a DOG 24/7 cause I have no time at home.
C. Dog sitting at my feet while I work all day is awesome! Must be a ton of fun!

Of course there is the good thing that the dog can now go with anyone who feels like playing with it to get exercise, but this leads me back to my first point... why did the person BUY THE DOG IN THE FIRST PLACE if they needed to use work as a puppy hotel?

And why not cats? Ya know the ones that like to lounge around all day... and fit in an officer scenario... Cause too many people are "allergic", well I am allergic to dumb people who don't know how to take care of a DOG!

If you are on food stamps you don't have children. If you work too much you don't get a damn puppy!

Not to mention the people with allergies. Having a dog in close proximity all day would destroy me.

I have a hard time believing that all offices don't ban this. It sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen.
Not to mention the people with allergies. Having a dog in close proximity all day would destroy me.

I have a hard time believing that all offices don't ban this. It sounds like a lawsuit waiting to happen.

It is far from banned. FAR FROM IT! DAMN PUPPIES!
Actually there have been studies done that show people are more productive and tend to work longer hours when they bring their dogs to work with them. I would assume the allergy thing is an issue but it really depends on the office policies. For example Urban Outfitters encourages people bring their dogs but has a 3 strikes policy. So I suppose as long as there are rules in place why should it not be a thing?

And Tristan I dont necessarily agree w/ the bad parenting concept. I think that's better parenting because the dog isn't home alone for long periods of time. Sure they could get a dog walker or w/e but if the office setting allows for the dog why not? This is all granted that its not an inconvenience to other people/ causing a distraction/disrupting the work environment.
I am going to say this now before i get beat up too much for my puppy bashing. I am really not AGAINST animals int eh office. But I do think every time I see a puppy, not awww, but the later of BAD PARENT! lol Which as Rux pointed out might be good parenting.
In the last 100 years or so, people have forgotten that when people had dogs before then, that dog went everywhere with them and was part of their life. Dogs were created for work so I get it to a degree but over-spoiled dogs and irresponsible pet owners I do not agree with at all. No one understands what dogs actually need and don't need here in Amurica and it's pretty fucking annoying. Dogs aren't people and need to be treated like dogs to actually be happy and not have all sorts of fucked up issues people put on them, like anxiety. I understand what you're saying but I think it's more of a case by case issue with the owner than actually taking a dog to the office. I'll probably get some people disagreeing with me but that's ok, I didn't know shit either until I really started looking into things after getting my pit-mix and really wanting to be responsible for him.
We have a dog in the office. A massive dog. Somewhat trained. Very loud when it gets bored. I wish she existed more in my area than outside my cubicle space :(
I meant to reply to this the other day and my phone was being stupid. I actually agree with Belial. And while I do think that some dogs do have issues it's probably a result of how we've bred them and how we treat them on a regular basis (and not really any disorder like a human would have). My oldest dog is scared of thunder and fireworks. She was like this since she was a puppy. I had her on medication but then switched to a thundershirt and she has slowly gotten better. I try lots of positive reinforcement with her now too and while her fear isn't gone I wouldn't say it's something that can be treated the same was as a person would (i.e. with medication). Not to mention that medicating her was awful. Besides. I'm sure animals in the wild have fears too...they just handle it differently and either get over it or don't make it. <.<

I agree that we over humanize our pets. I do it to x.x Slowly trying to get out of that habit ^^;
I would totally bring a small dog to my office if I had an office.

It's a wonderful icebreaker into conversation with new clients. :D

(A few agencies I've been in used this as a tactic)
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