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Star Citizen Release date for the Arena Commander and a timeline leading up to that


War Priestess
Don't usually link these but this one is important. Release date for the Arena Commander and a timeline leading up to that. Be prepared for more SC videos from me!

  • May 17th: our IT groups will be updating our global internal server infrastructure. A lot of the internal tools we use for game development (checking in builds, storing assets, etc.) are in dire need of downtime and update; we’ve been running them in the red zone so we can have 24 hour round-the-world development on Arena Commander. During this downtime we will also be switching over to a much more flexible and advanced architecture for our content management system Perforce. We will be upgrading to using Perforce Streams which will allow much quicker and more flexible movement between code branches for our development team. This prepares us for the added complexity of launching and supporting a live multiplayer service like Arena Commander. Saturday’s update will allow us to push the final Arena Commander update out to the world with much more confidence (corrupted data from these servers was a major issue at thePAX East reveal!)
  • May 18th: with the new servers in place, we will split off the “Arena Commander Release” branch of Star Citizen. This will separate the Arena Commander you play from the rest of the game that is being developed by other teams. So data checked in by teams around the world that doesn’t have anything to do with dogfighting (such as FPS weapons, planetside maps or future ship assets) won’t cause additional bugs for the team to worry about.
  • May 19th: The QA team will begin their final troubleshooting session with the new Arena Commander Release branch. They will go through the entire game and catalog all the current bugs they can find – ships not spawning in the correct place, physics not functioning correctly, disconnects during battle and so on. This will help to generate our final “Must Fix” list for release. It is important to remember though that our internal QA team cannot find everything and it is very likely that we will not fix everything prior to release. We are releasing playable code to the community much, much earlier than you normally would in AAA game development. Because of this it will not be as polished as a final game would be so we are going to need a lot of support from all of you to help us in bug finding and gameplay feedback!
  • May 23rd: The official cross-studio playtesting of the Arena Commander Release begins. This represents a “pencils down” phase where, unless you are working on an authorized must fix issue the team is expected to QA the game as much as possible. After this point, only a limited number of “designated driver” team leads will be able to check in any changes to the game itself.
  • May 27th: By this point, we hope to have the egregious, game breaking issues resolved but there will still be plenty of known and unknown issues. This is also our deadline for making sure the launcher is hardened for the deluge of users and the first set of necessary servers for the release have been spun up. After this point all check in privileges will be revoked and will only be returned on an as needed basis by senior Production staff and myself.
  • May 28th: The release candidate build of the game will be compiled. If all goes as planned, this is the version of Arena Commander you will be playing! The team at Turbulent will begin switching over the website to the version that will make Arena Commander available to backers. I will personally ‘sign off’ Arena Commander as ready for the community on the evening of the 28th. To be clear, we fully expect that there will be bugs remaining, potentially some bad ones. That said, our primary focus is getting a version out to the community to help us find all the issues and work together to improve Arena Commander.
  • May 29th: This morning, the web team will spin up additional authentication and web servers in the in anticipation of high traffic during the release. The engineering team will begin “warming” caches on cloud servers around the world, making sure the release candidate game is ready and waiting for users. By the end of the day, we will update the website making the game available, and the first public release of Arena Commander (which we’re calling v0.8) will be live to the world for testing!
With Arena Commander close to release I finally broke down and made a pledge. The ship I went with is the Drake Cutlass. I really like the stacked cockpit design, and the versatility in roles the Cutlass will be able to fill should make it a ship I'll always have a use for. Trying to think of a reason to start up the Hanger Module again I decided to take a few screenshots for anyone interested. Many of the assets are early placeholders as the team is focusing on the three smaller fighters for the initial Arena Commander lineup.

With Arena Commander close to release I finally broke down and made a pledge. The ship I went with is the Drake Cutlass. I really like the stacked cockpit design, and the versatility in roles the Cutlass will be able to fill should make it a ship I'll always have a use for. Trying to think of a reason to start up the Hanger Module again I decided to take a few screenshots for anyone interested. Many of the assets are early placeholders as the team is focusing on the three smaller fighters for the initial Arena Commander lineup.

Still a slick ship. Looking forward to gunning for ya.
I'm a bit of a Star Citizen dork. Ok well a lot of a Star Citizen dork.

My baby is a Starfarer, for them long range hauls :yay1: *discovers smilies*

This is what she looks like on my mousepad, shes got some serious booty.
Shes potentially called Big Bertha :D
I'm a bit of a Star Citizen dork. Ok well a lot of a Star Citizen dork.

My baby is a Starfarer, for them long range hauls :yay1: *discovers smilies*

This is what she looks like on my mousepad, shes got some serious booty.
Shes potentially called Big Bertha :D

I have been hoping these will be in the next sale sometime this summer.
It was a bit of an investment but I got mine during the lifetime insurance sale way back, so I figured it was worth it down the line!

Ah you lucky duck. I had started this post back in 2012 I think but details were vague and I was not ready to commit. Then I went to PAX and saw it/played it at the Logitech booth. I came back home and dove into it.

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