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Selling Tickets + StubHub


Praise the Sun!
I need to rant a bit because I'm at a tipping point right now and it'll help chill me out.

I had planned to go to NYCC all summer. Bought tickets immediately as they were released for my wife and I. As the date approaches we find out we're pregnant. Now all of a sudden money and time is at a premium so I decide to call it off for this year and cut my losses. I put the tickets up on Stubhub and sell them within hours. Ship them out and think everything's all good.

Day of the event comes and goes and I'm bummed I didn't go, but feel at least someone got to use the tickets and I got money coming to me that'll be used towards baby stuff. I check my e-mail and notice one of my listing was cancelled. Stubhub claims the guy that bought the ticket was unable to get into the event. I figure it is just some big misunderstanding and the buyer didn't know how to register the ticket properly once he received it.

Stubhub wants a list of information from me to verify a few things and I happily make the necessary phone calls and pester people to gather that info. Fast forward to today where I'm still fighting with Stubhub over the information I need to provide for the ticket. They claim I can resell them on their site but the company that I bought the tickets from originally says that once the ticket is sold and not in my possession that I can't obtain any info on it. Now I have no way of proving that the ticket that I sold and shipped was valid and will end up missing the event and the sale.
Oh you yell and you scream man. YOU YELL AND YOU SCREAM! In a low calm scary voice. and BAM moneys.
I hate StubHub. I also dislike people who wait and by the cheap tickets at the boxoffice leaving none for us casual people... go use sites like these and turn a profit. I sincerely dislike any sites like this.
I hate StubHub. I also dislike people who wait and by the cheap tickets at the boxoffice leaving none for us casual people... go use sites like these and turn a profit. I sincerely dislike any sites like this.

There are some secrets depending on where you're going for cheap tickets. I know for Sox games, there is a booth at one of the gates that sells tickets only a couple hours prior to the game (and lining up is only limited to 5 hours prior). Specifically exists for day of tickets, at cost, for those who really want to go in. I almost always get my tickets this way.
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