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IMPORTANT Server Patch Notes/Updates

If it isn't listed as a bonus or tweaked setting it is set to the normal speed.
  • Turned off building destruction until the low level sword bugs are fixed.
  • Food and Water are lower than normal rate but a happy medium where if you go for a treck you will need to stock up but if you are gathering you won't feel like you are micromanaging.
  • Durability on weapons and shields was increased.
  • Crafting speed was increased slightly.
  • XP Bonus modifiers for killing NPCS
  • XP Bonus for gathering and crafting to balance NPCS for those who don't enjoy fighting.
  • Day and night cycles are respectively 1 hour and 45 minutes for Day and 25 minutes for night.
  • Dusk and Dawn last about 10 minutes each.
  • NPC respawn rate has been tweaked so you can go into dungeons without having to fight your way back out entirely after completion.
  • Food deterioration is slowed so your food will not rot faster than you can cook and eat it.
A new patch has been released! Will be updated upon server restart.
Please restart your clients and Community Servers to make sure they receive the latest update to the game.
- Fixed potential server crash with chat system.
- Fixed a server crash that could occur when "actors" left the world.
- Postpone steam connection until the map is loaded (should help servers timing out)
- Physx will now run on multiple threads on the server which should improve performance.
- Thralls will now attack other human NPCs.
- Thralls now change ownership on joining guilds.
- Fixed exploit that could occur when players crafted foundations.
- When joining a server that server will also be favorited automatically.
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