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Sheeld's Application

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New member

Age (must be 18+)
28, but turning 29 on 8/30!!!

Where are you from? (timezone)
EST - My family and I live in a small town outside of cincinnati, Ohio, right next to Kings Island Theme Park

Do you have any friends who are Members? If so, who?
In the aforementioned TERA (disaster), the guild that I joined ended up being a huge steaming pile of gossa, but from the excretia I did manage to find a BOFF (best online Friend Forever), Brigga (Daniel). He and I started questing together and chatting it up on mumble and from there the rest is history. He and I have remained friends and even Made a guild in GW2 called The Accord. We play other games together, and sometimes, when the other is unsure of a game choice or short on cash we buy the game for the other person so we always have a chum online!

Character Name(s)
I've used many handles over the years, but two have just seemed to stick with me like glue. Felcritik is what I use for forums and general user handles, but my true monicre is Sheeld. I started a nightelf tank in vanilla WoW because my guild had one other tank and we were getting ready for an MC push. So when naming my character I tried to find a good tank name...Sheeld was the best i could muster, but the name fit! and ive used it ever since - even on non tank characters!!

What games do you wish to play with the alttabme community?
WILDSTAR...ahem. Yes, I am very excited for Wildstar's release and any betas I'm fortunate enough to get into. I put a lot into GW2 as far as hopes and dreams, and I am tentative to get my hopes up again and have them dashed once more. It is very hard not to though, Wildstar looks to be very fun and with all the WoW similarities and fresh beginings, I'm afraid that I'm pretty well hooked in. Plus Brigga would make me anyways... I am also trying to set up a DOTA2 team as I have been playing it a lot recently and thoroughly enjoy it. I play minecraft with some off and on consistency but I always find myself going back to Notch-Land to punch trees! Other than that, I'm sure there are a dozen games I would enjoy playing with random members once we find we have similar interests!

Class/Race(if applicable)
I am human....but I don't think thats what this question is asking! I prefer to pick non-human in games wehre you can, because I feel that since I get to be human all the time, why not branch out in the fantasy realm! I usually try and go for the race that best fits the character/class that I'm planning on playing. Like I picked Aman Lancer in TERA, cause I wanted to tank. I went Norn Warrior in GW2 cause i wanted to play a berserker character! In Skyrim I chose a Wood Elf Marksman cause I wanted to play like a sniper character! (Yes all three were named Sheeld....ha ha!)

What role do you wish to play in the guild? For example: PvP, PvE, Casual/Social
Any and all i suppose! My interests on a typical week vary as much as most I'm sure. There have been times where I like to go out into the desert and farm twilight scripts for no other reason than I can kill the cultists quickly. Other times I sit in IF and bemoan my boredom while cutting gems for disgustingly high premiums. PvP can also be fun, especially when I/we are winning! I think my favorite thing to do though is tackle a raid boss for the first time and listen to that screams and cheers and cussing on mumble. That sense of teamwork and accomplishment is a real rush for me and I miss it quite a lot.

Which previous MMO's or online games have you played and how long for?
My first MMO was EVE. I was in the beta and prepurchased and all that jazz. I was good enough that I was a C.O. in a front-running corporation called Solar Wind. After about a year of play though, the internal politics and general ass-holery in the game left me with a bad taste in my mouth. That and losing literally months of amassed wealth and play time every time i lost a ship.

Then came WoW...The End!

My first account was in Vanilla WoW the same month that MC was released. I didn't actually get into MC till a few months later, but it was my first REAL taste of the MMO aspect of the game. And omg, what a taste! That experience lasted through three apartments, one condo, my first home, and nearly 6 years. Upon cataclysm's release I proceeded to hit 85 within 36 hours, and then the game really took a turn for the crap.

I played TERA for one month exactly. Yuck...

Played GW2 for about 6 months or so...but after the first 2 months I honestly lost interest. The only thing that kept me going back was my buddies.

Minecraft though not a MMO per se, is online and I have played it with A LOT of people. I've played the game religiously for a few weeks at a time, usually on a modded SMP server, but then finding something new and shinier and giving MC a rest for a while. But I have always gone back for more, even starting my own server with a few RL friends and my 13 yo triplet nephews...and Brigga of course.

Were you a part of a guild? What was your experience?
Guilds/corps/clans I find are the BEST way to maximize enjoyment from an MMO or any multyplayer game for that matter. It's always a boon to have like minded players around you striving for similar goals. And having been ganked aplenty, it's always nice to have some timely heals or even a vengeful posse just around the corner.

I have been lowest DPS on the totem pole, I've been the 2nd wing C.O in charge of 30 ships. I've been main tank in Icecrown, and raid heals in AQ. In my experience and my line of thinking, as long as I have a role in the team and I feel that I'm both contributing and being made felt a part of said team, I'm more than happy!

How did you hear about the AltTabMe?
Brigga...In two months, when your sick of me...blame him. He posted something, I think the 'Gaymer' article on google+, and I was all for it. I've always tried to be polite-ish in public areas, I'm definitely anti trash talk, and there are some words that I absolutely abhor! I like to have fun with my buddies and I'm never shy of cussing, but as a father of three with a demure wife, I am always watching my tongue!

What will you bring to the ALTTABME community? (Chatty? Skilled? Funny? Helping?)
I am ready and willing to bring my sense of humor, my creative thinking, peerless wit and charm (ha), and hours and hours of patience...well....most days hours, other days minutes.

How much time do you spend a week on games?
depends on my family and work life, as they do come first! But i'm training my 5 year old to like games, so her training adds to my total play time! I would say most weeks 10-12 hours pretty regularly. I do work 2 overnights a week and on those nights, I'm pretty much online gaming it up!

Is there anything else you would like to throw in here at the end?
I have been in a few public forums of discussion and gaming. For once it is refreshing to see one void of incessant trash talk, negativism, and trololollling! If this is truly the tight knit online community that Al Gore invisioned when he created the internets, then I think I will love it here!

Have you finished all of the prerequisite requirements?
Yes (I read and replied to the rules, I understand I must be active on the forums to stay on the roster, and I have a minimum of 1-2 posts(other than this application), and I made sure those posts weren't just bullshit)

Enter the Code so we know you read the rules
hmm it has seemed to delete one of the questions and it's answer. The one asking about friends - Brigga (Daniel) is a member and suggested/pleaded/demanded that I apply. True story.
Oooh! Very nice application :)

It's nice when we have a friend of friend app, you get to have a helping hand explain what we're looking for, so that's perfect for ya. The only thing I'd like to ask is that you participate a bit more on the forums and potentially mumble/games (that part extends to you too Brigga !).

I'm putting in a SLIGHTLY HESITANT +1, only because I don't know you first hand at all!
Great app, like to get to know ya a bit more on mumble/forums, so I am holding off for a bit. I will let the others comment.
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