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Ultima Online Smooth Animation on 2-D client


Staff member
This is awesome! Makes your running look so much better in UO 2D client!

Basic instructions:
Launch the client, launch fps auto patcher, You may have to hit the refresh button for the client to show up in the client list. Click on the client in the list. Status should say NOT Patched. click Set Patch you're client is now patched. To un-patch it make sure that same client is selected and click Unset Patch.

Video Demonstration:

Two things I'd like to mention about the video any screen tearing is because of windows 7 & the black artifacts are because of the old code the client uses to draw onto the screen. These are not side effects of this program.

I Hank did not make this nor taking any credit for it. However I wont be listing the source as I'm sure most of the servuo community disagrees with that community's goals in relation to UO.
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