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GW2 Soulful Vampire - PvP build

My main issue is why you went 20 points into Soul Reaping with this build. Neither Prowess, Hunger, nor the various traits selected really seem to help this build and what you're trying to do.

I'm trying to understand it a little more I suppose. I'm not an expert on the class by any stretch, but I'm looking at the build and I'm struggling to understand the draw. The main focus is obviously on siphoning life, so that's a survivability tactic. 30 points in Blood Magic boosts hit points and healing, while 20 points in Curses and Soul Reaping boosts Crit, Shroud length, and Condition damage. Your Deathshroud has some of the trait upgrades, but for the most part its still only used for necessity as it negates all the siphoning upgrades. You do have Spectral Armor, the ability, and freebie trait version for added defense and utility. So, at this point we have a survivability build relying on leaching health outside of deathshroud (As I'm under the impression you can't build hitpoints while attacking in deathshroud, and leach is not going to build life force points while in shroud).

I suppose my primary concern at this point is that you have some utilities, traits, and weapon choices selected that are strongly geared towards building life force for Deathshroud, but that your primary focus on siphoning is negated the more you're in Deathshroud. To me, instead of forming a complimentary build with all of your trait points, utilities, and weapon options, you've kind of made a two pronged Necro that might have his powers too spread out to compete. That's my concern, and it could be wrong. Obviously, testing the build should bear this out one way or the other.

In terms of Conditions, you do have quite a few bleeds queued up, which I agree with, along with the bleed traits, though no points into the Spite traitline to increase overall damage and condition length. But outside of the bleeds, your damage is really going to be limited without the Axe as a mainhand option and without Deathshroud set up for DPS, though you do strangly have lifeblast set up for AoE. You also do not have any means of debuffing an enemy's boons, which can be very scary against some classes.

As for Support and Healing, you've gone with the Plague Signet/Consume Conditions combo/options. Consume Conditions is scary for me as your main heal because it obviously relies on having conditions to be effective. Plague Signet is a very nice support option if you're going to be running with a pack of players, though it can be unpredictable in terms of DPS or setting yourself up to self-heal.

Really, this build does a little bit of everything. I'm just not sure that being so spread out will be a good thing. Could be wrong though and will look forward to an update after BWE3.
Great feedback!!!!! I very much appreciate it.

My goal was to create a condition damage Necro with survivability through life siphoning and death shroud. I modified the spec some before seeing your post but I believe I can address your observations. The new build name is "Cursing Bloody Vampire (0-30-0-20-20)"

This build was not intented to be a Support or Healing build. You are on your own suckers! :)

As far as weapons choices:
- Specter generates the bleed condition damage I am looking for while the dagger offhand provides the life stealing and the condition transfer I need to counter Plague Signet's passive.
- The Dagger & Warhorn weapon set add to my life stealing and some escapability.
- I looked at the Axe as a choice but did not add anything to bleed conditions, siphoning health or building Life Force.

Granted I did not allocate any points to Spite but I ddi get some damage boost, increased bleed duration and increased condition damage from the Curse talents.

Please let me know your thoughts! I am still learning.
Here are the trait bonuses listed....

Precision maxed at +300 (Critical hit chance)
Malice maxed at +300 (Condition damage)
Vitality +200
Healing +200
Prowess +20 (Critical damage). Max is 30.
Hunger +30% (Increase size of Life Force pool)

Damage Benefits
Critical hits cause bleeding.
20% increase in bleeding duration.
33% chance to gain 1% life force on critical hits
Increased damage per condition on a target.
Conditions from Scepter last longer.

Death Shroud Benefits
Gain fury when entering DS (increase critical hit change by 20%)
Life force fills faster
Life force drains slower
Gain Spectral Armor at 50% health (60 second cooldown)
Life Blast pierces (strikes more targets when in a line).

Health Benefits
Gain 5 seconds of regeneration when health reaches 90%. (20 second cooldown)
Siphon health is more effective.
Siphon health when you hit an enemy.
Siphon health when you critical hit.
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