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Wildstar @Talmari and Other Engi's


New member
I've been getting asked a few questions about my gear, build, rotations, etc. so I am putting all of the information below.

A couple things to note, I am also elder gem capped. I have 55/55 AMPs and 46/48 tier points, all of which WILL a difference in your bottom line DPS. A lot of it is also dependent on your secondary stats as well. For example, our AMPs are set up to get big DPS increases when we get deflected. I am probably running more strikethrough than I am comfortable with so I don't get deflected as much, but that's just the way my gear works right now. Once we get the imbuement on the gloves, I will redo my gear accordingly.

Abilities and LAS:

This what I would use on your conventional Single Target boss. This is the LAS that I use because I have minimal movement between my fingers on my Naga for my most important abilities, which gives me up time. I WOULD NOT suggest changing your LAS if you are already comfortable with what you have, but if you are still new or looking for something less clunky, or more up time, this is what works for me.


Pretty self explanatory here. Again, I am 55 of 55. If I were not AMP capped, this is what I would use:

I would first unlock Forceful Impact (T2 Hybrid A/S 4 AMP Cost), followed by Cruisin for a Bruisin (T3 Assault, 6 AMP cost)

Gear and Stats:
4/12 Technophile, 8/12 Weapon Specialist, 4/12 Assassin. This is the minimum you want to shoot for. If you have additional rune slots, go 12/12 Weapon Specialist before anything else.

All stats are completely unbuffed, no food, no boost, no crit bot.
AP: 1,919 (Buffed = ~1980)
Brutality: 533
Finesse: 1225 (Buffed = ~1550)
Moxie: 314
Strikethrough: 7.33%
Crit Chance: 16.95% (Bot = ~23.50%)
Crit Severity: 178.90%

If I had my choice, I would be shooting for 182%+ Crit Severity and around 7% strikethrough, with crit being the same. I just cant get there currently.

There are several pieces of gear that are achievable through AH or EG that can be immediate upgrades. This is the gear that I use and where it comes from:

Slot: Item Name (Location and potential pricing). Stats abbreviated by first letter ... +rune slot +rune slot
Weapon: Buragh's Buccaneer Big Bertha (BoE World Drop ~10-20p). 641AP, 44B, 80F, 59M, 30G ... +13F +10AP
Energy Shield: Berserker Aegis (BoE World Drop ~5-20p). 56AP, 56SR ... +13F + 10F +9AP +7F
Helmet: Malgrave Battle Visor (Malgrave Gold Drop). 92B, 30F, 62M, 30CHR ... +18AP +16F +12AP
Shoulders: Epochos HA-15 Combat Shoulders (Crafted ~2-6p). 3B, 125F, 3M, 3CHR ... +14F +11AP
Chest: Type III Galactium Weave Plastron (Crafted ~1-10p). 71B, 125F, 3M, 3CHR ... +16AP +13F +11F
Hands: Explosive Eldan Gauntlets (Dungeon Random Drop). no stats ... +23F +18CHSR +15AP +13AP +12AP
Pants: Rocktown Artifact Pants (Whitevale Gold Drop). 70B, 104F, 34M, 33CHSR ... +21AP +16AP +14AP
Feet: Galactium Protomorph Treads (Crafted ~50g-5p). 103F, 3M, 3CHR ... +13CHSR +9AP
Weapon Attachment: Pirate's Bane (Skullcano Drop). 76AP, 57F, 28SR, 28CHR ... +16F +13AP +11F
Support System: Adventus AS-2 SS Battle Support System (Crafted ~2-10p). 3B, 83F, 3SR, 3CHR ... +13F +10F
Gadget: Genetic Fail Safe (x89 EP Vendor 140EP?). no stats ... +19AP, +15CHSR
Implant: Overcharged Pell Databoard (BoE World Drop ~5-50p). 70AP, 60SR, 60CHR ... +13AP +10AP

Any specific questions about gear or anything of the above, please let me know. I'd be happy to help you walk through gear decision making upgrades.

No turning back now! Gotta dive in deep!

But on another note, it was purely coincidental that we both made them this morning. I was told that someone might be wanting help learning dps so I figured I'd throw one together.
No turning back now! Gotta dive in deep!

But on another note, it was purely coincidental that we both made them this morning. I was told that someone might be wanting help learning dps so I figured I'd throw one together.

Yeah, Hydal was asking.
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