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TV Series The Following


Staff member
The more I see previews for this TV show the more amp'd I am to add it to my list of shows I watch.

Dark, Action, and Serial Killers not named Dexter... Oh the tears of joy!

Jan 21st is the season Premiere!
I got so much stuff I watch. I have thought on and off about doing some sort of review thing. Be it a website, or vlog or something. I just don't know.

Anyway, I am looking forward to this. I am not a big fan of suspense and I really dislike horror, but this looks like its got a great story, good directing and kevin bacon is an amazing actor even though many people use his name as a punchline. I will give it a chance and probably end up watching the whole thing if its any good at all.
Follow up to this: So far I am 2 episodes in and enjoying it quite a lot. The premise is creepy, the gore is good enough to not make you puke if eating food at the same time but enough to make you go eewwww gross lol. The story is pretty solid so far and really takes ya on a trip.

I don't know how longevity will go with this one as the story doesn't give it much wiggle room but we will see. Episode 3 next!
I'm not sure what to make of this show. It's interesting, and I'll certainly keep watching it, but after watching episode four I'm having reservations.

We have a bunch of attractive young outsiders who find each other and form a group - and in this group they feel that they belong. They bond over tales and acts of killing, as if it's the ultimate kick that makes them feel more alive then ever - better than drugs, better than sex.
And even if one of them makes a mistake that jeopardizes every member of the group, they will open their arms to him, hug him, and tell him that it doesn't matter, because they haven't given up on him.
What's the message here?

On the other side we have our protagonist, who - despite being portrayed by an outstanding actor - I feel is one of the least interesting/likable characters on the show (maybe because he's oh-so conflicted by his past and that's assumed to be the best ingredient for creating an interesting protagonist these days?).
I wonder how many people manage to sympathize with him more than they "sympathize" with the girl who killed her mother, the one person who's made her feel miserable and worthless for as long as she can remember.

Plus, it's just a matter of time until one of the people on the protagonist's side turns out to be a part of the network he's trying to take down. The hints haven't exactly been subtle. At least it can't be the African-American (the only one on the show), since he's already dead. [/sarcasm]
I like it so far, but like tristan said there isn't very far for them to go with the story. I worry that they will try to come up with some convoluted plot twists just to make more episodes and that usually turns me off from a series.

So far there is good writing and acting. I am optimistic on this one.
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