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HOT TOPIC The Night Before Christmas (ARX Style)

Ultra CHEZ

It's better with cheddar!
So it's 20 minutes before Christmas where I am, but whatever the time and whatever holiday you celebrate, I thought you guys might appreciate this.


Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the site
No guest was stirring, downloading not a byte.
The threads were posted on the page with care,
In hopes that St Tr1age soon would be there.

The members were nestled all snug in front of their screens,
While dreaming of loot better than greens.
And IRL friends with headsets, and I with earphones,
Had logged into LoL to see how hard we can PWNz.

When out from Mumble there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my Skype call to see what was the matter.
Away to the channel I clicked with all haste,
Filling in the password using copy and paste.

The “ding” of the program alerted me that
I had entered the General AltTabMe Sex Chat.
When, what to my wondering ears should sound,
But a WvW group comprised of the best officers around.

With a sexy young leader, who seemed kinda pissed,
I knew in a moment it must be St Trist.
More rapid than eagles his officers they came,
And he whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!

"Now Zakis! now, Jia! now, Ruxandra and T1G!
On, Gyoin! Stop admiring your cute little pig!
Through the front of the keep! To the top of the wall!
Now murder them! Murder them! Murder them all!"

As the foes on the other server did flee,
The mighty zerg cut them down with apparent glee.
So up to the keep lord the officers flew,
Buffs notwithstanding, the poor NPC was slew.

And then, in a flash, I signed in to witness,
The carnage wrought during this Eve of Christmas.
As I hiked through the borderlands I swiveled my head,
Until I found St Tr1age posing victorious over the dead.

He was dressed all in spandex, from head down to toe,
The scanty outfit seemed highly impractical for snow.
A shiny sword he clutched in the offhand,
He stood silently as new defenses were manned

He quietly browsed menu after menu,
Searching for upgrades suitable for the venue.
A vat of oil was added to the top of the gate,
And a second builder was hired to up the construction rate.

The keep was claimed for the mighty Arcanix,
I hit print screen to get a couple neat pics.
Players toured the fortified keep for inspection,
Before heading off in an enemy tower's direction.

Tr1age himself led the entire pack,
Placing a waypoint to signal where to attack.
Warriors with warhorns sounded the call,
The group sped up as swiftness was granted to all.

On the horizon the target tower became clear,
The defenders on it became frantic as the army drew near.
The zerg marched forward, dodging AoEs.
(Except for a few adventurers who took arrows to knees).

Charging, the officers asked their commander for inspiration,
St Tr1age was silent for a moment with contemplation.
Then I heard him exclaim, before Mumble I quit,
"You're all little bitches, now handle yo' shit."
Thanks for all the positive feedback guys! I was sleep deprived when I made and posted this, so I wasn't expecting much. You guys are the best.
"You're all little bitches, now handle yo' shit."

OH MY FUCKING GOD.. I just read this. I had seen it but I wanted to have time to read it without distraction.. can I just wow. I love you.. OMG ahahhaa This is amazing.
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