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The Repopulation


War Priestess
Heard about it over on MMORPG.com and boy does it sound interesting. A nice big sci-fi ish sandbox to play in? Heres the game overview from the website. https://www.therepopulation.com/


The Repopulation is a Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game. The action takes place on the planet Rhyldan, with the only known remaining human population fighting for their very existence. The indigenous life forms did not meet their colonization efforts with open arms. Worse yet, humans have managed to splinter themselves into warring factions.

It is a sandbox oriented MMORPG with an eye on innovation. Rather than forcing players down preset paths they are instead allowed to walk the path which they enjoy the most. With a variety of combat oriented and non-combat activities to pursue, we believe we’ve created a game that can stand the test of time.
Primary Features


  • Unique three faction PvP system where the third faction allows characters to create their own independent Rogue Nations.
  • Player created city system allows players to form and design their own cities, structures and homes.
  • Nations can own multiple cities, and even besiege the cities of their enemies.
  • Mayors can be assigned to oversee a city and manage it using strategies. Keeping your citizens happy is important.
  • Military advancement system which rewards players with unique titles, abilities and items.
  • Set your reaction to other nations to one of five different levels ranging from Ally to Nemesis.
  • Create up to 99 ranks for your nation, each with their own customizable names and settings.

  • An Advanced Generated Mission system allows us to create complex multi-stage missions which are tailored specifically for your character.
  • Missions can have branching outcomes based on a player’s actions.
  • Generated missions are mailed to your character as job offers and are accessible from anywhere in the game using your in-game PDA system.
  • NPCs can talk about things that have happened to them to other players and NPCs.
  • Your actions will be remembered by NPCs, and they may exploit your tendencies if you let them.
  • One Time Missions spawn in random locations throughout the wilderness to encourage exploration.
  • Players can filter which types of missions they wish to receive, so only those missions are generated for them.
  • Missions are not all combat oriented. There are crafting, harvesting, diplomatic, and other non-combat variations available.
  • Completing missions in a group will generate bonus rewards and automatically split them among your group.

  • No Levels
  • Skills based gameplay which features 75 unique skills, and 14 tiers within each skill line.
  • Players are not forced into combat roles. Crafting, harvesting, diplomatic or other non-combat oriented skills can operate and progress independently of combat.
  • Skills increase automatically through use. Abilities are earned and not given automatically.
  • Skill Imprinting system allows you to imprint knowledge of skills into yourself, to make up for time lost while doing activities such as missions.

  • Fitting system allows players to customize their appearance and stats to their playstyle.
  • Most of the equipable items in The Repopulation are cosmetic shells which set the category of armor or weapon in that slot. The bulk of their stats come from their five fitting slots.
  • Fittings are similar to sockets or augmentations in some other games, but are available on most armor and weapon items from the very beginning of the game.

  • Engagements are similar to public quests which can mutate and spread throughout an area, changing its appearance or content.
  • How players respond to an engagement will affect how it progresses or spreads.
  • Engagements are intended to get players working together from the early stages of the game or encourage exploration.
  • There are both combat and non-combat oriented engagements.
  • Settlements can turn into dungeons and towns can be overrun. Allowing this to happen can seriously alter the content available in an area.
  • Player vs. Player engagements are similar to Open World battlegrounds.

  • Three unique types of pets: Tamed, Genetically Engineered and Robotic. Each has their own systems and benefits.
  • Tame animals when they are young, then have them slowly grow into fully matured pets if they receive proper care and feeding.
  • Genetically engineer species and hybrids by splicing DNA and Tissue from different species.
  • Robotic pets can serve a variety of different combat and non-combat roles.

  • Advanced Crafting systems which allows players to create thousands of variations of items through a total of 23 different trade skills.
  • Harvesting system allows players to harvest their resources in both combat and non-combat related fashions. Over-harvested areas will run dry of resources and recover slowly, rewarding players for discovering more remote locations.
  • Event system will require players to make decisions during the crafting process which will influence their result.
  • Each of the game’s recipe has its own mastery level which can be increased to produce higher quality items.
  • Access the Auction Network from anyplace in the world using your in-game PDA.

  • Two distinct modes of combat: Action Mode and RPG Mode. RPG Mode works like traditional RPG combat. Action Mode allows players to control the game in ways similar to a First Person Shooter. You can toggle between these modes at any time.
  • Several twists to make combat more interesting including Momentum, Limb Targeting, Species Mastery, Energy Shields, Cover, and Postures..
  • Generated special abilities system for bosses will force groups or raids to adjust on the fly when fighting bosses, rather than simply looking up spoiler information on the internet.
  • Encourages grouping with a slew of social features such as skill gain bonuses and treasure bonuses while grouped. Along with those bonuses, abilities make use of openings created by other abilities allowing for players to exploit those openings.
  • Vehicles can serve in combat roles.

They also have a kickstarter here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/therepopulation/the-repopulation-a-sandbox-mmorpg?ref=card

P.S. Graphics look meh, but it is ALPHA. In before Tristan's obligatory statement about graphics.
This definitely looks interesting.. wonder how all the promises will play out though. The graphics don't look terrible to me but it is a bit doomy and gloomy; could use some pops of color to keep the old ADD eyes interested. I'd be willing to check this game out fo sho.
The way they make the abilities and skills sound makes me think of elder scrolls. I like how it sounds, I'd be willing to check it out for sure.
Apparantly this is a second kickstarter to see if they can raise money for extra proposed features on their list. The game is slated for Q2 this year regardless...I signed up for beta on their site.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
WOW, this has a LOT of potential.

If they can deliver, it definitely does. A lot of the SWG vets have been very active on the forums for this game on mmorpg.com and that alone got me to take a look. I never played Galaxies but from what I hear I completely missed out on the amazing sandbox pre-expansion. The only sandbox I have played(besides a few hours in UO with Trist) is Fallen Earth, which had a great plot, world, and crafting system. Alas the combat was horrid in the beginning and I don't think it ever really recovered.
One of the biggest draws for me is the idea that we don't have to be part of either faction and can make our own [TAB] Nation with our own cities. We can forge alliances with other Rogue Nations against the two primary factions or war it out with everyone. We can have people devoted soley to crafting or running a shop or being our diplomat, they dont have to be a soldier.
I'm just excited for the concept of a real viable sandbox

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I'm just excited for the concept of a real viable sandbox

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk

Agreed.....especially since I have never really played one...In MMO form.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk
Agreed.....especially since I have never really played one...In MMO form.

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

Try out Eve Online. Then you have.
I really hope that the learning curve of this game is not as steep as in Eve...
One of the biggest draws for me is the idea that we don't have to be part of either faction and can make our own [TAB] Nation with our own cities. We can forge alliances with other Rogue Nations against the two primary factions or war it out with everyone. We can have people devoted soley to crafting or running a shop or being our diplomat, they don't have to be a soldier.

I agree Zakis, but they need to make everything compelling or else I can see a lot of people playing pvp or something and no one wanting to craft and thus unbalancing a big part of there game!
It's funny because Ultima Online really does still have all these features. It is the player base that makes them work. Hopefully the gamers of today can accept this kind of world.
I agree Zakis, but they need to make everything compelling or else I can see a lot of people playing pvp or something and no one wanting to craft and thus unbalancing a big part of there game!

They have pretty in depth descriptions on the site of crafting, skills, PvP, Nations, etc. I spent some time reading it last night at work, sounds interesting.
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