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GW2 This is the RP forum.


Staff member
Jefiner is the RP officer and she will be in charge of these forums.

Please do not speak out of character during your stay here.
What sort of Roleplay are you planning on doing?
-Casual RP Events.
-Arena like PVP where you compete each other to possible win a prize ( what the prizes will be i am not quite sure as of yet.)
-Drunken bar fights, with a theme, possible two clans fighting each other?
-Being Pirate somewhere, also could be drunk.. I love drunk pirates!
-Casual RP events are a great way to introduce curious people into the world of RPing. (So please let me know if you have any awesome ideas to add to this!)

-Serious RP Events.
-We can join in on peoples personal story quests and have chat-based RPing (Mumble if people aren't shy)
-Find places in the world like houses/taverns/halls etc to have chat based RPing which would possibly lead into exploring the world with your fellow RPers as the event progresses.
-If there is interest there can be Forum RP threads where you can build your character story's with other players joining in. (Would look like a novel pretty much)

Kulghar was sweet enough to write forum rules =)

-There will RULES sadly but its a must.
-When a RP event is going on, absolutely no flaming/trolling/harassing the players.
-Sometimes I will be the "leader" of the RP but others are welcome to start them by themselves which means you better listen to your leader unless they specifically pass on leadership of the role play to another person(example: the leader having to go offline but other people want to continue on, then someone should take lead.)
-A leader will tell you the RP rules. OOC (Out of character) IC (IN character). Some RPs especially the Casual RP events will allow OOC to occur as long as its in lines with what the leader says is allowed.
- You do not have to write as such ((Oh hi how are you doing!)) if your writting OOC. (( )) <-- in many role play forums people use this when they speak out of character, but if OOC is allowed and your in one of "MY OWN" RPs you do not have to use them. It is suggested though and may be initiated in the future though to use (( )) if too much OOC happens.
-The most important rule is to just have fun, let your imagination do the talking.. Enjoy yourself to the fullest and be respectful.
-Respect is important - Do not be a total grammar nazi (unless the person is talking as such - "leik zomg that boss was LEET PwN'd WtF mAn yOu iS sO cOOl" lol) <--As long as the person is speaking to their best ability's don't hate them if they spell a word wrong here or there. I don't even have the greatest skills when it comes to grammar. So be respectful!

All RP rules are subject to change if needed, and will be updated from time to time. I'm new to being a leader of an RP environment and I am open to suggestions and please let me know if you need help or just send me a question whenever needed!

Excited to play with you all !

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