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GW2 To our Mesmers


Staff member
I wanted to hear your opinions of the class.

Did you know any of the following:

The various ways they can support:

-Use Torch or Decoy to safely Revive an ally.
-Drop Time Warp to make reviving an ally twice as quick - or assist in Finishing a downed ally.
-Use Greatsword's Knockback to get enemies off an ally who was downed.
-Use Diversion to daze an opponent, especially if they're on a downed ally(Profession Shatter mechanic - doesn't stack so you only need 1 illusion).
-Used Illusion of Life to let an ally get back-up briefly.
-Drop a Chaos Storm on top of allies to buff them (grants Swiftness, Retaliation, Aegis) and debilitate enemies (Inflicts Fear, Chilled, Poison, Weakness).
-Trait to put up a reflective barrier while reviving allies.
-Trait to have my Phantasms grant regeneration to nearby allies.
-Trait to Heal allies whenever I charge up a Mantra
-Trait to Heal allies when I shatter.
-Trait to grant Vigor to allies when I shatter.
-Wield a Focus (Phantasm which blocks projectiles, a wall to grant swiftness/inflict crippling).
-A trait to make the above focus skills reflect projectiles (Don't think it was working though).
-Equip Veil of Invisibility to assist allies, hide in while rezzing, etc.

How did you find your time with the Mesmer.

How was your damage?

How did your illusions handle?

Did you feel kick ass?

Do you love butterflies as much as me?

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