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Vice Taxes


Jesus Freak
Vice taxes are additional taxes that are placed on items that are deemed unhealthy or socially unacceptable. Governments often pass them with the excuse that they intend to help the population become more healthy or to discourage behaviors they believe are not in the public's best interest.

But it's a lie.

Vice taxes are most common at the city and state level. One of the most common ones in the tobacco tax. The tax on cigarettes is disproportionately high in many states. The government can get away with it since smoking is unhealthy and becoming more socially unpopular. They say the reason the tax is so high is to discourage people from smoking, but their behavior says otherwise.

When a vice tax is passed, they often say that the proceeds will go to schools, fire/police service, hospitals, or some other purpose that no one can really argue against. They then budget the increased tax revenue into those areas. But wait, I thought the purpose was to lessen or eliminate the behavior, why are they assuming increased tax revenue? Because they really don't care if anyone quits, they just want more money and smokers are easy to exploit. They take advantage of their addiction just as much as any tobacco company they are painting as evil.

If they really wanted to tax something into extinction, all they would have to do is put a $100 flat tax on each pack of cigarettes. Then no one would buy them, at least in that state. But they don't want that. They want to play a balancing act between getting tax revenues, appearing to care about people's health, and keeping tobacco lobbies on the hook for campaign contributions in return for more favorable tax rates.

I'm tired of the government trying to convince me it cares about me when it so transparently does not.
They usually end up arguing that the smoking increases health risks later down the road thereby increasing health care costs.

As for the increase in tax revenue, it's more than likely because there is a greater number of people that start smoking than quit. I may have misinterpreted what you meant at this point but this is my initial response.

As for budgeting - this is their responsibility as a government. The budget is a law that the government is supposed to hold up to in the eyes of the population and explain any variances. In Canada, the Auditor General is supposed to act as an External Auditor and go over this. There are Primary and Secondary adjustments that can go and alter the budget throughout the year in case there is additional spending needed in one area over another etc though. These all have to pass through Parliament though.

I do agree about the flat tax if they really wanted to tax it out, but they would lose so much revenue from corporate taxes, small businesses, and then the vice tax that they would end up wanting to raise taxes in other areas which I am sure everyone would be equally against.
Ah-ha! Now THIS I can get angry and passionate about and agree with you full hearted!

Not only do they not care if people quit smoking or doing "legal vices", if there is a drop in tax revenue for the state, they will further punish those that do these vices by increasing tax rates to keep status quo of end dollar amount. Include the rising prices of tobacco in many states, the tax $ amount naturally increases as well. It's a load of shit at the end of the day.

On the same hand, I live in a state where these taxes don't really exist (NH). We have people travel from the next state or two over, mass purchase their cigs, and drive back because it costs them less in gas money and time ot travel than the difference in cig pricing. There are also people the do (kind of) legitimate business by MAILING cigarettes across the country!

I don't smoke, but whenever I hear the cringing thoughts of alcohol or sugar taxing I start to panic. It's bad enough that the cost of living and minimum wage is a joke, but to increase "taxes" for products that are already over charged as it is kills economic stability. General inflation during these ages is climbing at a much more accelerated rate, while wages are not matches these general inflation marks. People in my age bracket and younger are the ones getting fucked in these deal, as we're striving to hit PAR, never mind actually succeeding.
Its exploitation plain and simple. They are exploiting addiction in a way that is not helpful at all. Taking more money from people that can't or won't quit smoking because they can play it off as the moral high ground. Reminds me of the big business pretending to be John Everyman in the name of lawsuit "reform."

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