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Wildstar Warrior newbie footage no voice over just in game sounds.

you want to have tank and dps skills? Won't happen.The amount of active skills you have in this game is going to be way less. From what I have read/heard it is more of a 'deck building' system where you slot in 10 of your best abilities into your bar and that's what you use. Not like wow needing 6 toolbars just to fit all your skills in

no im saying your going to be a tank with warrior skills unless ther going to actually give you tanking skills
you want to have tank and dps skills? Won't happen.The amount of active skills you have in this game is going to be way less. From what I have read/heard it is more of a 'deck building' system where you slot in 10 of your best abilities into your bar and that's what you use. Not like wow needing 6 toolbars just to fit all your skills in
That was my biggest gripe with WoW haha, I have no qualms with being limited in the number of skills.. makes for more dynamic gameplay imo; everyone can't do everything so different people that use different skill sets will have their own unique way of playing.
Any one else watch him pass mobs and think man that's EXP you are passing up!...Maybe that's just how I play mmos if I can beat it up its going to get beaten..
The person playing seemed like they were really lost to me.
Not the best Vid to show off the lower level skill set.
I think if any one who has played MMOs would have looked at the skills they have at and found ways to combo them together.
It looked like he was just mashing skills ...the knock back should be used to interrupted telegraphs?
That all said I still enjoyed the Video.
Thanks for posting
That was my biggest gripe with WoW haha, I have no qualms with being limited in the number of skills.. makes for more dynamic gameplay imo; everyone can't do everything so different people that use different skill sets will have their own unique way of playing.

Agreed. I like there to be a concious decision of 'im going to take this instead of that'. Hopefully that plus the skill tree makes for some variation between players. They just need to make skills and trees balanced so you dont have to play a certain way just because its 'best'. As someone who pvps a lot I dont usually min/max but I usually have a swap for when I dungeon. Reason being not because I dont like min/maxing but because to be a good pvper you need survivbility skills which arent used in pvp. I hope the deck building plus trees plus the highly customizable crafting allow for the variation and make several builds effective
I am hoping that you can have different decks you can hot swap either when out of combat because I don't feel like going through my list of 50 abilities every time to remake the bar lol. Also different bosses may have different resistances etc (probably only effects the min/max people though).
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