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Wildstar Weekend Warriors

Would you be interested in a Saturday or Sunday raid?

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New member
out of curiosity how many people would be interested in weekend raids? i know for me during the school year it will be much easier to guaranty my availability on weekends and tuesdays while some thursdays will probably be interrupted by tests for me at least. because of this i have a huge interest in trying to make weekend raids a thing.
out of curiosity how many people would be interested in weekend raids? i know for me during the school year it will be much easier to guaranty my availability on weekends and tuesdays while some thursdays will probably be interrupted by tests for me at least. because of this i have a huge interest in trying to make weekend raids a thing.

I know I personally can only guarantee Tuesdays and Thursdays. I can't always guarantee Saturdays, which I'm sure most can't because of family events, social events, and other stuff.

In the past, I've seen MUCH more consistency on weekdays than I have ever seen on weekends, so I'd like to keep the consistent 2 evenings, and then if we have enough people make the Saturdays an extra day.
I know I personally can only guarantee Tuesdays and Thursdays. I can't always guarantee Saturdays, which I'm sure most can't because of family events, social events, and other stuff.

In the past, I've seen MUCH more consistency on weekdays than I have ever seen on weekends, so I'd like to keep the consistent 2 evenings, and then if we have enough people make the Saturdays an extra day.

was mostly expressing my interest as a college student.
How firm are we on time and days?

The only reason I ask is that I am PST and a 5 PM (PST) start is not likely going to happen for me. I also have obligations on Tuesdays nights.

If they are firm, I will be happy to stand on deck in the event that extra DPS is needed.
How firm are we on time and days?

The only reason I ask is that I am PST and a 5 PM (PST) start is not likely going to happen for me. I also have obligations on Tuesdays nights.

If they are firm, I will be happy to stand on deck in the event that extra DPS is needed.


That's the absolute latest we can start because we're also accommodating East Coast people (such as myself). I know I'm already sacrificing my sleep schedule staying up to 11:30/Midnight to help lead this and accommodate as much as I can to West Coast people. This was the best balance we could get trying to keep everyone's schedules even. I know it's early for West Coast, so we will most likely be getting the group formed around 8, and then pulling at the latest 8:30.

It's just one of those things where we can't make everyone happy, so we try to make as many people as possible relatively satisfied.
Engineer damage isn't anything to write home about anyways. You aren't missing much by not having me there. ;)
How firm are we on weekend raids. As someone whom used to do a lot of the raidz leadz myself I solved scheduling very specifically. What I used to do is have everyone send me mail in-game or gmail (yes even tracking every raider down until they wrote me) and list the dates/times of their availability. I would then track all this data to excel and see what times/days worked relatively well for days; finally, I would cross reference this against the available number of support and dps players and see what matched up the best raid days.

I would repeat this data collection every 3-4 months and apply data changes as necessary.

So here's what I'm getting at!

For some reason Sunday night is historically a good time for attendance. Was there enough evidence during the decision making process to show Sunday night would be bad for raiding?
I in no way speak for the guild leadership on this, however, the main reason we had issues before on weekend raids was having someone that could lead/organize them. I suspect that if there was a few people who could CONSISTENTLY run the raid on a weekend day the officers would be pretty happy to throw it into the schedule.
What I used to do is have everyone send me mail in-game or gmail (yes even tracking every raider down until they wrote me) and list the dates/times of their availability.

For some reason Sunday night is historically a good time for attendance. Was there enough evidence during the decision making process to show Sunday night would be bad for raiding?

1+ From me
I don't care what days it is personally since my schedule is basically completely random unfortunately. I want very much to be on the main raiding roster but I'll take what I can get.
if having a raid lead on weekends is the issue, i would be happy to lead a saturday or sunday raid. assuming there is enough interest.
I have just merged this with the original discussions. FYI to anyone who I may have offended by asking the discussion to be a separate topic, I am not trying to censor you. I am actually trying to take your first born. Also please feel free to ASK ME next time if you feel wronged. As you can see, we don't hard delete shit here. I saw the possibility for a hype thread about raiding which everyone is finally excited for that could have turned negative real quick. We have had that happen before. So it was a pre-emtive nudge in the direction of two separate topics, not STOP talking.

Also remember this is a multiple gaming community, so people put emphasis on multiple games. That means players of Pathfinder might find a Sunday conflicting, so someone else who is a community member would have to pick up the slack, but totally doable.

In the end, the days that work are the days people show up to. And in the end, I just want to see people happy that they get to finally raid, so that thread seemed to be derailing quickly and not enjoying the pretty smelly roses!

All in all, for fucks sake, MESSAGE ME DIRECTLY IF YOU HAVE AN ISSUE. Don't assume the worst. That is what a mature community does and means. You don't even have to know me. At least approach me, make the effort if you feel differently. I have lead entire teams into deadlines that make raid bosses look like giant pussies, so I am not just a pretty face(which is pretty damn amazing however), I also get the work, effort, and difficulty that goes into what everyone is doing and the importance of discussing. So please take this thread seriously as well, because if you pad stats, or start a popularity contest, you ultimately hurt the whole. Use facts and math. That shit seems to work well for the raiding world.

P.S. #sorrynotsorry

P.P.S. The reason Sundays generally have more people on than Saturday's is because psychologically people are more inclined to stay in when they have to be at school or work the next day. That being said however, people are less inclined to do something that has a set amount of time, but more inclined to putz off watching netflix. So it is a double blade. Be careful and do MATH!
Just an FYI (because not sure if I'll be complete by the time raiding starts)
They only days I can raid would be Friday Saturday, and maybe Sunday. As your PM is my AM, there's no way I'll make any weekday raiding.

So might see you guys then.
Godo luck with it all either way it goes.
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