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Weekly F2P Game Events!


Over Analystical Extreme Gambler
HI Everyone! I wanted to toss an idea out there for everyone. Until the launch of Wildstar, I'd like to put together a weekly event of some F2P games we can play together! Most typically these should follow on either Saturday or Sunday and would be games that everyone has access too, and hopefully promote multiplayer interactions, be it coop or competitive.

Tristan's addition: This is also a great way for us to get to know one another, the community we are all a part of, and put voices, faces, inflection, play style and the like to the names of all the new recruits! So please try your best to make it to some of these.

What I need from you guys is a list of games you'd like to see! I started the set with Blacklight Retribution, a free FPS. I want people to think of and suggest other possibilities we can do and, again, everyone would have access to. As much as I wish we could all have Borderlands 2 or similar games, not everyone can purchase these. This will allow for everyone to play TOGETHER!

So, list away!

Blacklight Retribution
League of Legends
World of Tanks
DC Universe Online
Marvel Heroes
Path of Exile
Cards Against Humanity...
Team Fortress 2
Planetside 2
LotR Online
APB Reloaded
DCUO!!!, Marvel Heroes, Team Fortress 2, Planetside 2, Warframe. Lord of the Rings online, APB reloaded is a good one, oh and did i say DCUO yet? :)
I'm in for anything but Marvel Heroes... its really not good, and we should just play Path of Exile if we're looking for that type of experience (Also, I'd be in for Smite, but not LoL, way too elitist for me)
APB would definitely be a fun game to play as a group. But all those games you have listed are good.
Oh it's completely craptastic. And I have no idea at all why it's even an MMO. Or why I enjoy it.
I'll also set up polls every week so WE CAN VOTE ON WHAT TO PLAY. This week I'm still holding the blacklight one because... Well.. I want to :)
Cards against humanity allows for up to 16 players I believe and is F2P I put that in the hat.
I'll also set up polls every week so WE CAN VOTE ON WHAT TO PLAY. This week I'm still holding the blacklight one because... Well.. I want to :)

I'm down for some Blacklight, been a loooong time since I've touched it.
I'll also set up polls every week so WE CAN VOTE ON WHAT TO PLAY. This week I'm still holding the blacklight one because... Well.. I want to :)

Oh totally cool! Rift should be next I think since we all downloaded it, or a LOT of us did :)
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