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Curious as to what everyones up to during the wait for Guild Wars 2 to FINALLY be released.

Personally Most of my time will be taken up by never ending watching GW2 viddeos of engineers and guardians doing WvWvW and whatever else, to try to figure out what the hell I'll play upon release. Other then that gonna hit up some Ghost Recon Future Soldier, Mag S.V.E.R. ftw, continue my assassin in Dragons Dogma, and lastly some Blacklight Retribution. An going crazy to finally being able to try GW2 in BWE3 and after that cry cause it only lasts 2 days I think then a month wait for GW2!

PSN: Simplicity_93
SWTOR: I'll be pvping here and there on the server The Shadowlands til gw2 comes out. Emp side as a sorc heals. Names Judicial.
I just got a bunch of new games that I'll try out and probably run through 1 a week until GW2 comes out. Off the top of my head - Age of Reckoning, ME3, new NFS, new Civilization 5, Darksider 2...
ugh.. Darksiders 2 looks soooooooooooo good. However still finishing the GW2 pre order so gotta wait for it sad panda... should be getting my cousins ps2 however and nerd it up with some LOTR: Third Age, Some Final Fantasy 10, good ol Twisted Metal Black and Suikoden IV. Hopefully I get it from em lol, would help pass up A LOT of time playing those again.

Seen you mention Civ 5, I don't know what all type of strategy games your in to but if you played / liked Rome: Total War, you hear about Rome: Total War 2??


I'm excited as hell. Read its suppose to release next year.
I played it for a bit, was quite good (just my computer at the time struggled with it). Second one looks pretty sick, if its anything like the first one then it's definitely on my buy list. ;)
For the fun of re-living my old glory days as a 8 year old I fired up the NES for some Final Fantasy#1 fun.
Pretty much just grinding out sets with a good buddy in Super Street Fighter IV: AE 2012. Probably be doing that until GW2 comes out.
I have been rotating alot...

Been playing through Chrono Trigger randomly, as well as plenty of Blacklight and Civ5.
WOW, The sims 3 (kittehs galore), A small amount of Diablo3, BINGO on pogo.com lol... ummm i might start playing my ds again.. or my fiances 3ds.. he has zelda on there, i might try that out!
League of Legends, Blacklight Retribution... Had a really fun time playing through "Spec Ops: The Line". Didn't like the multiplayer though. Might do another skyrim playthrough... or another me3 infiltrator playthrough, prolly skyrim though.
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