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Wildstar What Is Your Main Focus When You Get Into Wildstar?


New member
So my question to everyone is just like the title says what is your main focus when you finally get into Wildstar?

  • Will you spend time choosing your faction, race, path, class or have you got this sorted already and will decide on the look and name of your character?
  • Will you speed level to maximum level cap to do elder game, raiding, pvp?
  • Take your time enjoying the game, exploring, questing and world events?
  • Maybe focus on housing, professions, role playing?
  • Will you level up with friends or a guild from previous MMO's
I have listed a few ideas I will be levelling with a friend and enjoying the game to the utmost.

-Ben, "Least I got chicken"-
I am going to furiously grind my way to level cap as fast as I can......
I plan to help other people with leveling after that and probably grind out my professions...

I like grinding.

Ginyu Out.
I try to enjoy the game as much as possible. I had too many MMOs where I raced to max level, just to realize that there is nothing left to do.
And until the NDA is lifted and I know what really is in the game as Elder content, I will stay with my opinion. I don´t trust promises any more.
My plan is to level mainly in a group with at least 1 other person. I generally level at a pretty good knot with breaks every now and again to explore content (i.e. datacron hunting in SWTOR). Not sure if I will be focused more on PvP or PvE; depends on how good the PvP ends up being, and who I end up grouping with as I tend to adopt playstyles a bit when I group with someone.
The economy. One who controls the money controls the people who use said money.

.... Well in reality it'll take years for that to happen, but I'll be focusing more on crafting than anything else outside of raiding prep and progression.
Generally I level in a group of Tabbers and push to cap. Then obviously focusing on organizing our Warparty and raiding. I'll eventually make an salt and enjoy the world a bit more as I level.

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I would definitely like leveling with at least someone else; I usually don't because I take breaks etc which I think would annoy someone lol. Then I also start up later again.
I try to enjoy the game as much as possible. I had too many MMOs where I raced to max level, just to realize that there is nothing left to do.
And until the NDA is lifted and I know what really is in the game as Elder content, I will stay with my opinion. I don´t trust promises any more.

Not getting too hyped ah? Can't blame you I was so hyped for GW2 and once hit max level I was so bored.

-Ben, It's Time To Kick Ass and Chew Bubble Gum and I'm All Out of Gum"-
So my question to everyone is just like the title says what is your main focus when you finally get into Wildstar?

  • Will you spend time choosing your faction, race, path, class or have you got this sorted already and will decide on the look and name of your character?
  • Will you speed level to maximum level cap to do elder game, raiding, pvp?
  • Take your time enjoying the game, exploring, questing and world events?
  • Maybe focus on housing, professions, role playing?
  • Will you level up with friends or a guild from previous MMO's
I have listed a few ideas I will be levelling with a friend and enjoying the game to the utmost.

-Ben, "Least I got chicken"-

I already got my character down, haven't seen Granok customization yet but I'm hoping for a mossy mullet for Rock Samson. I don't ever speed to cap, I don't see the point in it. It's not going anywhere. I probably won't touch housing until I cap and run out of things to do, same with crafting, etc. I don't really roleplay. I'll probably be leveling with my girlfriend on launch, which means I'll level at her pace or risk her wrath.
I already got my character down, haven't seen Granok customization yet but I'm hoping for a mossy mullet for Rock Samson. I don't ever speed to cap, I don't see the point in it. It's not going anywhere. I probably won't touch housing until I cap and run out of things to do, same with crafting, etc. I don't really roleplay. I'll probably be leveling with my girlfriend on launch, which means I'll level at her pace or risk her wrath.

Excellent lots of good replies glad to see not everyone is going to speed like mad to max level.

Is your g/f a slow player? wrath this means you sleeping in a dog house? :p

-Ben, "In The Far Future There Is Only War"-
Excellent lots of good replies glad to see not everyone is going to speed like mad to max level.

Is your g/f a slow player? wrath this means you sleeping in a dog house? :p

-Ben, "In The Far Future There Is Only War"-

She's not slow when she plays but she has to be in the right "mood" to play, and that mood comes around rarely. Usually I just roll an alt to level with her and end up with two maxed toons around the same time. Yeah, I outleveled her in WoW once and she got so mad she speed leveled to cap without me, so not really doghouse but she was pretty peeved.
She's not slow when she plays but she has to be in the right "mood" to play, and that mood comes around rarely. Usually I just roll an alt to level with her and end up with two maxed toons around the same time. Yeah, I outleveled her in WoW once and she got so mad she speed leveled to cap without me, so not really doghouse but she was pretty peeved.

I could always bribe her with a shiny to get her in the mood to play :p


I'm going to take it slow an easy with my leveling, enjoying the story and the environment. I don't want to be months behind everyone else reaching cap, but I'm ok with being a week or so behind the main pack. I'll focus on making my main as awesome as possible before I think about rolling an alt. In WoW, I think I played for about 4 months before making an alt for serious leveling purposes. I tend to go slow with my first toon, then speed through with alts.
I'm going to take it slow an easy with my leveling, enjoying the story and the environment. I don't want to be months behind everyone else reaching cap, but I'm ok with being a week or so behind the main pack. I'll focus on making my main as awesome as possible before I think about rolling an alt. In WoW, I think I played for about 4 months before making an alt for serious leveling purposes. I tend to go slow with my first toon, then speed through with alts.
In all of Vanilla, I only had my priest. One character created total until BC. That is my strategy for the first loooong while with WS, until I start to need new tradeskills.
In all of Vanilla, I only had my priest. One character created total until BC. That is my strategy for the first loooong while with WS, until I start to need new tradeskills.

Come to think of it, my first alt was a draeni. So, I guess it was the same for me.
I plan on playing the game and having fun. End goals are Warplots and Raids, crafting, housing, etc... They have put out some info about the game, but not so much in the way that these systems will actually work. I also plan however, to not stress any of it. When it finally does launch I will play it, hopefully enjoy it, and let it run its course naturally. People tend to over hype these things, plot out a plan of action with what they are going to do when it launches, vacation from work, meals planned out, etc... Youre just setting yourself up for failure, CHILL THE FUK OUT. :bananasex:
Ill more than likely take my time leveling and try to immerse myself in the world and follow the story as much as i can. Eventually ill get to cap and enjoy the plethora of activities that supposedly await us in the end.
Ill more than likely take my time leveling and try to immerse myself in the world and follow the story as much as i can. Eventually ill get to cap and enjoy the plethora of activities that supposedly await us in the end.

Can't wait for housing where I can have a plethora of pinatas.
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