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Wildstar What Is Your Main Focus When You Get Into Wildstar?

I try to enjoy the game as much as possible. I had too many MMOs where I raced to max level, just to realize that there is nothing left to do.
And until the NDA is lifted and I know what really is in the game as Elder content, I will stay with my opinion. I don´t trust promises any more.

Totally agree with you there. I've said before I'm taking my time and enjoying the game, but end up rushing because I feel like I'm getting left behind....well not this time. I don't care if your 10 levels ahead of me i'll get there in due time.[DOUBLEPOST=1376432589,1376432529][/DOUBLEPOST]Oh and I have my name, race and faction picked so probably spend a few on looks then just take it in a little at a time. Some leveling here maybe craft a little here and so on.
Usually I like to grind up to max lvl as soon as possible! But i think im going to enjoy the ride to max lvl, check out all the areas do quests, craft. Thats what i say now, if the game is really that epic I'm probably going to go bawls to the wall and get max lvl to pvp/raid . I would rather lvl with friends/guildies rather going about it solo, but if no ones on....i'm just going to lvl solo : D
I'm going to focus on map exploration and trying not to get killed in the process :) After playing Swtor (datacrons) and GW2 (POI/Vistas), I've become somewhat of a completionist. I probably end up grinding mobs while trying to get to the shiny-thing off in the distance - then be over-leveled for my quests.
I already know how this is gonna go for me. Level as fast as possible while enjoying the main storyline, and then going back to collect everything and finish all the quests/achievements/whatever I missed on the way. Because... if it exists you have to have it, right?
I tend to spend my time leveling solo at my own pace and enjoying the story and lore of the game and reading all the quests. Once I get to top level I will be majorly focused on raiding as a tank. Possibly making an alt to play around with and group with other people. Also going to be enjoying some world PvP while I am at it, especially during those first few months after launch when world PvP will be at it's most active.

Originally was going to be a settler because....come on....building shit? But I don't think the game will so much allow you to make your own towns and cities on the world so I will most likely end up being a Scientist for the lore aspects and have my alt as a settler.
I tend to spend my time leveling solo at my own pace and enjoying the story and lore of the game and reading all the quests. Once I get to top level I will be majorly focused on raiding as a tank. Possibly making an alt to play around with and group with other people. Also going to be enjoying some world PvP while I am at it, especially during those first few months after launch when world PvP will be at it's most active.

Originally was going to be a settler because....come on....building shit? But I don't think the game will so much allow you to make your own towns and cities on the world so I will most likely end up being a Scientist for the lore aspects and have my alt as a settler.

Don't forget I think settler will play a great role in warplots it is base building :p

My WoW experience has definitely affected how I play MMO's. You're no one if you're not level cap. At least that was how my old guild acted. That way of thinking has made me just speed through leveling in most MMO's I've played after WoW. Looking back I wish I hadn't. I missed out on a lot.
When out PvP/PvE'ing I will be looking to do it with other TABbers (moar iz betta!). I will also be monitoring the CX and AH to see where I can make some extra $$ while working on crafting.
My WoW experience has definitely affected how I play MMO's. You're no one if you're not level cap. At least that was how my old guild acted. That way of thinking has made me just speed through leveling in most MMO's I've played after WoW. Looking back I wish I hadn't. I missed out on a lot.

I remember that. Life begins at 60. Or 70. Or whatever it is now.

I'm really hoping for a leveling experience more akin to GW2, but with a badass elder game to back it up. Why can't we have ALL THE THINGS??
WoW is definitely a game where I felt I was always in a mad rush to get the latest and greatest to be able to do anything end game. I really hope that's not the case with WS. I find it really irritating that I have to have a certain "gear score" just to be able to have a remote shot at getting another piece of gear that I have to have if I want to see the next content area. I'd much rather have the rewards have some improved stats, but be much more impressive to look at. From what I saw the last time I checked out a video from WoW's end game, WoW's stats have gotten out of control.
WoW is definitely a game where I felt I was always in a mad rush to get the latest and greatest to be able to do anything end game. I really hope that's not the case with WS. I find it really irritating that I have to have a certain "gear score" just to be able to have a remote shot at getting another piece of gear that I have to have if I want to see the next content area. I'd much rather have the rewards have some improved stats, but be much more impressive to look at. From what I saw the last time I checked out a video from WoW's end game, WoW's stats have gotten out of control.

Are there MMO's that don't have progressive gearing? That is a main part of them, character progression, which is gear progression in most cases that I am aware of.
GW2 is probably the closest since their legendaries and such were basically skins (which I wasn't a fan of either oddly enough since they effectively had no stats). You'll still have gear creep to an extent in almost any MMO (even D&D) just so you can feel like your character is progressing. But to center the whole game around gear is something that still needs to be addressed IMHO. It's an antiquated system that can be better implemented through the use of skill progression.[DOUBLEPOST=1376947770,1376947736][/DOUBLEPOST]But that's a discussion for another thread I'm guessing. :)
Are there MMO's that don't have progressive gearing? That is a main part of them, character progression, which is gear progression in most cases that I am aware of.

Progessive gearing yes. But in WoW you cannot even enter a raid instance without the right gear score. And this sucks.
I will start out with the intention of playing the game as Carbine designed it to be explored and enjoyed to it's fullest. Then within a day or two I will feel pressured to catch up to guildies so I can get to level cap and start grinding whatever PvP currency, forget the name, and be able to enjoy elder game PvP with TAB. I then will do pretty much like Zakis said and play an alt and be able to enjoy the experience a little more the second time around exploring the world and taking my time.
Progessive gearing yes. But in WoW you cannot even enter a raid instance without the right gear score. And this sucks.

Well it makes sense. Even at 60 wearing greens and having a 90 or whatever run your attunement quest for MC, I don't think you should have much of a "fair chance" and killing too much in there. Some trash mobs sure but they hit harder for a reason, they are the "Lords" of the region.
Hi all, just joined your site. I plan to enjoy the heck out of leveling my first character, as that "new game" experience only exists for a short time. My *plan* is to take my time, but if prior experience is any indication my wife and I will start speeding up as we get closer to and more excited about the Elder Game.

But I'm going to TRY to stop and smell the roses along the way this time! :D
I dont like rushing games but it's hard to avoid. I like when im still hungry and curious about game progress, lore, lvls, skills, etc etc, there is so much to do that i'd rather play slowly and enjoy every single aspect of the game playing a 1 class and just jumping around to have fun and explore nearby areas. Then I'll be starting to care about proffesions,lvl,house, etc. 1 aspect by 1, Every single thing thoroughly. I rushed few games and it was my mistake, now I'm not playing in any of them, couse they bored me after a 6-hour play.
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