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GW2 Which order will you be joining, in fighting back the dragons?

Which order will you be joining?

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Topic says it all. A little background on each.

Durmand Priory, established in 1105 AE, is a scholarly order dedicated to protecting knowledge and lore. Named for the monastery which houses their archives, and in turn for the monastery's founder Durmand, members of the Durmand Priory offer services as advisors, tutors and chroniclers across Tyria. They are willing to share their gathered knowledge but do so cautiously. Durmand Priory is one of three major multi-racial orders who are looking for ways to combat the Elder Dragons. They hope that intellect, or some lost piece of knowledge, can save the world from the rise of the dragons.

The Order of Whispers is a secretive ancient Elonian order. They work behind the scenes to safeguard the world against the rise of the Elder Dragons and free and restore the troubled Elona. Its members, often spies, thieves and agents, operate within every Tyrian nation sometimes to the highest levels. Their extensive network is able to gather information from everywhere, even areas blocked to travel, such as Elona which has long since been isolated under Palawa Joko's rule.
The Order of Whispers is one of three multi-racial orders which players join as part of their personal story. They believe there is no way to physically destroy or negotiate with the Elder Dragons so the only way to counter them is to find a way to send them back to sleep.

The Vigil is a military order dedicated to fighting the Elder Dragons and their minions by force of arms. They believe that the only way to defeat the Elder Dragons is to unite the races of Tyria and to face the minions of the Elder Dragons wherever they appear. The Vigil wants to face the Elder Dragons directly, testing Zhaitan's power in the hope that such methods can one day be used against the dragon itself. They believe that the Elder Dragons grow more powerful as each day passes, and that those who do not fight now are giving the world away by standing passively aside. They intend to be an army of light against the onslaught of darkness.[1]

IMPORTANT: Deciding on your order determines how your personal story interacting with the elder dragons take place.
I'll be playing a Guardian - either Syvari or Charr. Most likely for my first play through I will have an aggressive personality so going with the Vigil.
The whispers for me though :) Just sounds cool :)

At some point in your personal story you will come across these groups I believe. Order of Whispers for me. I am a ninja assassin at heart, regardless of what class I play. Working in secret, behind the scenes is the life for me.
yeah they hinted around level 40-50 is when you will decide your order....your personal story leads you into the decision

in all honesty...i should be picking the Order...if i were to RP my chr
At some point in your personal story you will come across these groups I believe. Order of Whispers for me. I am a ninja assassin at heart, regardless of what class I play. Working in secret, behind the scenes is the life for me.

I am at heart too, yet I am always up front but fuck it this is a game and I WILL PLAY WHAT I WANT lol.
Necromancer will be the vigil. Mesmer perhaps in the whispers.. i also think it sounds really cool!
I gotta go whispers on this one! just sounds like they might already know what's up.... and putting dragons to sleep should be a lot healthier than direct combat, especially when dragons scorch the land into crystal craters just by flying above.
Yeh, thinking to go Whispers as well, will take me back to the Nightfall days, and feel like I'm living the future continuation of that lore.
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