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"Why are you so .... ?"


New member
I bumped into this TEDx talk and the title perked some curiosity.

Absolutely glad I watched it because the message and story are interesting. Is this a "change your life" or "inspirational" TED talk? Not really. (I'm kinda tired of those as they are usually interesting and upbeat, but had no meat to them)
I think of it as an introspective one;

You see I get this question A LOT: "Why are you so unamerican?" I don't fit into the "Murica that has replaced what I knew of my American home. It's been 8 years since I lived in the US, and before that I was in the military. The pre-Bush, patriot was just a silly name for a missile America. So, I'm a remnant of a past generation that I never really fit into in the first place.
While I understand why people ask it, I'm very different from your average American, it was annoying when the "Why are you so ...." questions came from people in the US.
Now, I understand more about it and why its an honor to hear those words.

When you hear "Why are you so ...." it means that you are being yourself to a point that you no longer have any fear of being different, something few others have. In addition, just like in the video, it means you can put your creative energies into things you are passionate about, instead of wasting them trying to fit into something you are not.

What's great about being so .... ?
The fact you serve as an inspiration for everyone around you who might be like that, but spending too much of their energy trying to hide their uniqueness.
I think that's pretty awesome.
Spending a lot of time in Zurich as a child I glommed onto European culture way harder than I did American. I get the Why are you so... a lot. I will fight for the way inter-relationship interactions are different and better overseas till I spit blood because I believe in it so much. I love things about MURICA and I love things about everywhere else too. But like gaming, people don't understand you can play more than one at a time! :)
Well, if it makes you happy, you also hear this where I live too. Since I see myself more a product of the Internet and less a product of Germany my behavior is very different from a lot of people. Thanks to our chancellor Merkel I can now safely say:"I´m a citizen of Neuland". She said 1 or 2 years ago:"The internet is uncharted territory (translated Neuland) for all of us". My first thought was if this means that the natives of Neuland will be driven off like the natives of America when the Europeans arrived, since they used similar terms.

Cease your disgusting lies, heathen!
We need a "Heresy" Icon.
Thanks for sharing this Cheese. I related to a lot from the speaker in the video. I think people wonder why I get so annoyed when I hear people say certain things in voice comms, like "that's gay." Even though they mean no harm from it, I have to fight the good fight for the people before me and those that will play games in the future.

Now everybody say LOVE!
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