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Wildstar Characters

Just hit 40, this is how I roll.

Takin' a breather back in the Biodome, and like 10 levels ago.
is it just me or Granok should have like... WAY BIGGER shoulderpads?? like bugged Orc in TBC level shoulderpads
Starting to look better now that I'm 50 and getting set pieces (PvP shown here).


The claws look so plastic-y to me on the stalker for the pvp set. Weird cause all the other classes get chainsaws and shit :p
These are my PvE claws.
There have been only one claw weapon that I've been happy with and they didn't look like claws at all, more like daggers. I hope I just haven't seen all of the claw weapon types because more of the ones I have seen as I leveled were rather boring.
I have to agree with Sim there, I didn't see a lot of claw types that I really liked while leveling stalker either.
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