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Wildstar Wildstar Housing Competition - Win a Rowsdower!

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Hi guys! Just wanted to say thank you for allowing us to do this. I couldn't afford to go to PAX this year so this giveaway just makes me so happy ^_^
All I've been doing in Open Beta this time is dungeon running and house plotting xD (also I added moar photos :D)
Haha no problem =) I wanted to spread the love of rowsdowers and this was the best way I could come up with to do it
Haha no problem =) I wanted to spread the love of rowsdowers and this was the best way I could come up with to do it

No, the BEST way would be to just ship it to me. But this isnt too bad either...just wish I could get a damn house already!
No, the BEST way would be to just ship it to me. But this isnt too bad either...just wish I could get a damn house already!

After this contest ends, I will only have 2 left to contribute to science. I am unsure of how I will go about it, but there may be another contest in the future.
This is me with the Rowsdower:
You have NO IDEA how damn fluffy these things are. It's so soothing and mesmerizing.

Why must you tease us? xD
I've been stalking the forums allll day, passing the link to everyone I know. I'm sure they'll all take me off facebook soon cause I won't shut up about these Rowsdowers :D
I'm a bit bummed you guys didn't have more competition to compete against, but alas, a little over 12 more hours for voting!
I'm a bit bummed you guys didn't have more competition to compete against, but alas, a little over 12 more hours for voting!

12 hours? D: *goes to get loads of coffee* The contest ends for me here in the UK at 5 am. And for the rest of the EU at 6 am..it's crazy! xD
But yeah, I've been poking my guildies to get in there and post their houses. One of my officers' partners houses is like a full blown mad scientist chua housing plot and I kept prodding but he's too shy. So it's just me from our guild xD I'm gonna mass email them the link later today and shout at them ''vote for me or else'' :p
I tried getting my guildies interested, but they aren't as psycho about housing as me, it seems. XD

Good luck everyone and thanks again for this opportunity!
I know I have about 0% chance winning because my house is pretty barren but it was REALLY FUN to make none the less!! /cheers for W* and Rowsdowers!!
It's getting late now and I'm running out of people to ask so it's looking like you win the 'Like' section of the competition Aisina... You've pretty much doubled your number of Likes in just one day and I can't keep up any more so well done. It's a shame one of us has to lose given the amount of effort we must have both put in to getting so many people to vote compared to the others, but unfortunately there can only be one winner. I guess for me I just have to hope that either Gyoin or the AltTabMe leaders decide that my little Draken Hideaway is worth of one of the other two prizes. My fingers are well and truely crossed! Enjoy your Rowsdower, and hopefully I'll get to enjoy it's twin!
It's getting late now and I'm running out of people to ask so it's looking like you win the 'Like' section of the competition Aisina... You've pretty much doubled your number of Likes in just one day and I can't keep up any more so well done. It's a shame one of us has to lose given the amount of effort we must have both put in to getting so many people to vote compared to the others, but unfortunately there can only be one winner. I guess for me I just have to hope that either Gyoin or the AltTabMe leaders decide that my little Draken Hideaway is worth of one of the other two prizes. My fingers are well and truely crossed! Enjoy your Rowsdower, and hopefully I'll get to enjoy it's twin!
This is the nature of public votes, it is always a popularity contest. Good luck to everyone and don't take it personally. It was a ton of fun for all involved.
This is the nature of public votes, it is always a popularity contest. Good luck to everyone and don't take it personally. It was a ton of fun for all involved.

It kept me busy when I needed it to. :) I'm not taking it personally. I loved the opportunity <3
It was never meant to be personal, I'm sure you know this C: I just panicked when I read that you were mass emailing your guild so I posted it up on mine too! We've been tied for hours as our guildies came to show their support, just a few more of mine turned out to be EU night owls. Whatever the outcome, Id love to have more housing competitions with you and everyone else a little while after launch, so we can really battle it out and test our creative limits. Love Aisi x
It was never meant to be personal, I'm sure you know this C: I just panicked when I read that you were mass emailing your guild so I posted it up on mine too! We've been tied for hours as our guildies came to show their support, just a few more of mine turned out to be EU night owls. Whatever the outcome, Id love to have more housing competitions with you and everyone else a little while after launch, so we can really battle it out and test our creative limits. Love Aisi x

I had only meant it as a half joke- the mass emailing thing. Then your votes started piling in and I panicked as well! I spent an hour writing up a nice little letter for my guildies telling them to vote for who they thought had the best, but also put a ''Dominion versus Exile'' twist on it :p
Then I spent another hour pming people on a site called Flight Rising (98 people) and got a warning for advertising..I nearly had a heart attack then xD

I'm always up for creative competitions against you, your house was cute. I'm a huge naturey fan so Niliana's housing plot was completely against my personal aesthetic haha!

I can't sleep right now, but may the best reptile/bunny thing win. :)
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