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Wildstar Wildstar & Learning From EQN

I'm also very excited about the possibility of maybe roleplaying a Necron overlord in turmoil about his past (somehow he can still remember/feel 'guilt' ... assuming that's possible)

It'd be quite the feat I imagine, as I believe the Necrons are essentially robots.

Anyway, EQN has piqued my interest to say the least. If they can properly deliver on their promises and give us a core built on destructible environments and general AI directives for mobs then, holy shit you guys. Change the core, change everything. The first MMO that isn't static, where the world can actually change, where mobs don't just either sit there until someone kills them or always spawn every X seconds and always attack the same thing, and them attacking it has consequences? Yes. Please.

But we'll see. The stuff they're saying is at least more interesting and different than what I hear every other MMO dev saying.
EQN is on my radar but I'm not too jazzed about it simply because it's an SOE product. That being said, I'll still give it a go in beta.
Yeah, this is in many ways a negative. There's a lot of bad that comes to mind along with the amazing magic they crafted with EQ.

I'm hopeful - they're trying at least to do *something* outside of the formula set fourteen years ago with their first game which has needlessly defined everything since. They're conscious enough to realize the shortcomings of GW2, and while there are similarities, there's also a fair amount of differentiation we're at least made aware of. Two things that immediately come to mind are the environments in EQN - their amorphous, permanently changing state and how we progress in the game by searching for classes and gear/skill alterations.

I know right now that if I should need a return to purified trinity gaming, I'll have Wildstar - a new community with new devs, lore and places to explore. If I just want to bathe in level-less lore-hunt with open ended everything, I'll have EQN. Unless something horrible goes awry I can devote time to two or three MMOs this time around: WS, EQN and probably WH40K EC. It's possible to do more, but when I reach end/elder game, I have a lot of personal time I'll devote towards helping the guild with raids and progression and there's just not a lot of time to goof off on something I'm not as interested in.

I hope now that we know more about EQN, Wildstar can take a seat back (as I'm sure they're doing), talk over what they're seeing with EQN, evaluate what they have, fine tune their message and 'angle' for Wildstar and get it out to the public. I'd *really* like an MMO environment with two or three dominating definitions this time around! While I hate competition in real time world settings (especially for basic resources like water, food and clothing), I think it's helpful for the gamer population.

Gosh I'm tired >.<

Maybe you shouldn't post when you're tired. Your sentence structure it terrible and your entire post is a pain to read. I'm not trying to be a dick, but please try again. This post sucks.
Sorry Korova, I'm not trying to run you off or get into some goofy spat w/you by any means. It just frustrates the shit out of me trying to read that particular post.
Sorry Korova, I'm not trying to run you off or get into some goofy spat w/you by any means. It just frustrates the shit out of me trying to read that particular post.

I'm sorry if my statement about being tired bothered you, that wasn't my intent.

If you disagreed with the content or theme, that's fine - please state your opinion. If there is/are major errors you could try to correct what I said, or explain to me what was wrong with it. Something along the lines of
"I'm having trouble understanding what you wrote due to (reasons 1,2,3,etc.). Please correct them." You obviously intended to provoke me with how you worded your criticism or you weren't thinking about it, just as I wasn't thinking when I wrote down I was tired and how that might offend someone (if it did).

Consider your apology accepted after you've deleted your two most recent responses, because they're both passive aggressive. If you need me to show you how, I'll do so.
no one likes grammar police, I think that's safe to say, and sometimes I talk in run on sentences, I think everyone here is pretty cool and we should keep it that way always, and hell a lot of people here English isn't even their first or maybe even second language so maybe we should just look past grammar and just hand out and make friends and really who gives a shit about periods, commas, and all that other crap, I'm sure enough of us deal with all the serious life things like grammar at school and work, this should be a grammar stress free community and then we can just have fun owning up some scrubs in whatever the hell random game it might be, and now I'm about to go get some beer and wings, hell yeah! peace! =)

There's no need for this. Please feel free to edit your post.
Everyone get the fuck back on topic. Or we start handing out warnings. (consider this a warning)
So back on topic...

EQN is doing quite a few things that by themselves will either make or break a game. Some I really like from what I've heard and some I really dislike.

Things I like:
Emergent gameplay. The idea that all the npc's have behaviors, likes and dislikes that will govern their actions. Mobs who are not leashed and will wander to find advantageous hunting grounds, Guards who will go patrol and chase them away, enemies who prefer types of landscape over others and will try to find their preferred ones but still can be found in others if you time it right. It makes for a very dynamic world.

Voxel based world/Destructible environments. I like seeing damage when spells hit. The ability to break down or build things on the world is pretty damn cool. Every server will be different.

The art is beautiful.

EQNLandscape. The ability to use the world building tool and maybe have your thing show up in the game is awesome. Get paid a bit for it too? Awesomer.

Things I don't like:
Voxel based world/Destructible environments. The video they showed demonstrating this has me worried. Way too much destruction too easy. If it doesn't regenerate it will be a world of craters, if it does regenerate it will feel worse than if destructible environments weren't in the game to start.

The leveling system. No actual leveling, but multi classing based on weapons. Buy, find, or make weapons so you can use the class. It sounds kinda clunky and not fun to me.

Are they focusing on endgame? or gonna patch it in later? They need to take a page out of carbine's book and make sure it is robust at launch.

SOE. Nuff said.

Final thoughts so far:
It's still super early. they have the ability to make the things I don't like work right, or break the things I do. I will def be keeping my eye on this one.
So back on topic...

EQN is doing quite a few things that by themselves will either make or break a game. Some I really like from what I've heard and some I really dislike.

Things I like:
Emergent gameplay. The idea that all the npc's have behaviors, likes and dislikes that will govern their actions. Mobs who are not leashed and will wander to find advantageous hunting grounds, Guards who will go patrol and chase them away, enemies who prefer types of landscape over others and will try to find their preferred ones but still can be found in others if you time it right. It makes for a very dynamic world.

Voxel based world/Destructible environments. I like seeing damage when spells hit. The ability to break down or build things on the world is pretty damn cool. Every server will be different.

The art is beautiful.

EQNLandscape. The ability to use the world building tool and maybe have your thing show up in the game is awesome. Get paid a bit for it too? Awesomer.

Things I don't like:
Voxel based world/Destructible environments. The video they showed demonstrating this has me worried. Way too much destruction too easy. If it doesn't regenerate it will be a world of craters, if it does regenerate it will feel worse than if destructible environments weren't in the game to start.

The leveling system. No actual leveling, but multi classing based on weapons. Buy, find, or make weapons so you can use the class. It sounds kinda clunky and not fun to me.

Are they focusing on endgame? or gonna patch it in later? They need to take a page out of carbine's book and make sure it is robust at launch.

SOE. Nuff said.

Final thoughts so far:
It's still super early. they have the ability to make the things I don't like work right, or break the things I do. I will def be keeping my eye on this one.

My favourite dislike "SOE. Nuff said." was it previous EQ games or was it the total screw up of Star Wars galaxies or maybe Planet side made you say SOE?

I think SOE are trying to get the attention of the Minecraft fan base? I seen the different levels of dungeons under ground stuff etc.
Things I like:
Voxel based world/Destructible environments. I like seeing damage when spells hit. The ability to break down or build things on the world is pretty damn cool. Every server will be different.

Things I don't like:
Voxel based world/Destructible environments. The video they showed demonstrating this has me worried. Way too much destruction too easy. If it doesn't regenerate it will be a world of craters, if it does regenerate it will feel worse than if destructible environments weren't in the game to start.

The leveling system. No actual leveling, but multi classing based on weapons. Buy, find, or make weapons so you can use the class. It sounds kinda clunky and not fun to me.

Are they focusing on endgame? or gonna patch it in later? They need to take a page out of carbine's book and make sure it is robust at launch.

The Voxel approach is REALLY cool. I've been waiting for an MMOs to get to a point where a fully-destructible environment is possible. I'm not sure I like the way some of the objects in the environment actually get destroyed using this system though (trees for instance). But it's really cool for buildings and other non-organic objects. I'm really hoping they turn it down as well. The commentator in the video mentioned this as well, but there's so much of it going on it's almost ridiculous. It's a helluva good start though!

I'm on the fence about the leveling system as well. It sounds intriguing but I need more info or to get my hands on it before trying to make a decision on it either way.

BTW, I'm sure nearly everyone has found their beta signup page, but if not here ye be: https://www.everquestnext.com/beta-registration
Ignore him, he was obviously trolling. And doing a bad job of it.

not at all, my point was that silly things like grammar shouldn't matter and cause division among members(especially in an international community) and we should all just enjoy our time here and get a long and be friends. I had nothing but positive things to say. sorry if it came across the wrong way. I did read through it multiple times before posting as a caution. my mistake, I guess.
Well I took it as a troll because you started by saying you do run on sentences then used no punctuation other than commas. It seemed to me that you were purposefully making fun of the situation while at the same time trying to sound like you were being helpful. I thought you were trolling by thumbing your nose up at the situation and making light of it when it obviously bothered the people involved to some degree.

It looks like I misread your intent and thus your message. I apologize.
They said that it will regenerate over time.

What I am not sure about is that some abilities that destroy things too much/too fast. IE The warrior in the video was WWing around and fell to the floor below. That part I don't think would be too entertaining but destroying things outside of that I think could be fun.

I am not sure about the class system they have. I can't figure out FFXIV, so I am sure this one would confuse me too until I got closer to it.

It sounds like you start out as a chosen class and race, then as you go through the world you "collect" more and start to infuse them into your build/LAS of some sort?

Does anybody have information on the combat system? I saw the bosses had telegraphs and some of the bells the players had killed 10+ little guys at once but it didn't show telegraphs at all for the players. Maybe traditional tab targetting + telegraph for enemies?
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