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Wildstar WildStar locks you down for a look at crowd control

Such a great dev video. Definitely adds more depth to combat. Would be cool if you have to retreat and collect your weapon instead of it rearming itself. Unless you could craft/discover something like weapon chain where you could pull your weapon back to you.

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HAVING to go get it would be a bit much. Being able to re-equip it early is a nice balance.
If I punch you in the right cheek (just saying), it'll leave a bruise... then when I go to punch you in the left cheek my punch will not have the same force, maybe a little more maybe a little less and the cruise will not be the same either. I hate things that are static... as for crits? Maybe I miss and punch you in the temple XD
your comparing a game to real life. games are not anything like real life, and what you are talking about is still not RNG. real life might be complex but it is not random. if you punch someone there is not a percentage chance you miss it is determined by a huge number of factors not a RNG. i am not sugesting that things be static but that they use less RNG.
I agree that basing your entire strategy on crit chance isn't the best idea, but I think you can have viable builds that include high crit chance and high crit bonuses. In D3, I go toon up over 40% crit chance and 300% crit bonus and it is just beastly.
not saying crit chance builds don't work i am saying that i don't like RNG and if a game can come up with a system that uses less RGN for crits that would be great. i know crit builds work my elementilist in GW@ is a crit D/D ele. i am talking about development choices not player choices.
It's hard for me to imagine an MMO or regular RPG even without crit. If you don't want to deal with it, I think you can safely ignore it. If you do crit, it's just a pleasant surprise.
just to clarify as people seem to keep misunderstanding my point about crits, i have no problem with crits none at all but i think a system that does not use RNG for crits would be great and would add even more skill to the game.
That would be cool if crits were dependent on weak spots or some kind of set up or combo, but how would they implement that?
That would be cool if crits were dependent on weak spots or some kind of set up or combo, but how would they implement that?

well i am not sure of the best ways to do it but i have some ideas.

1. the telegraphs could have certain regions in them that were crit zones that were smaller so they were really hard to hit.
2. certain abilities could have a condition where if they were in the air they crit (i like this idea because of double jump and i think they should have abilities that are modified by jumps).
3. abilities that made the next ability or so crit
4. if you channel a ability longer (longer cast time) it crits.
5. crits if your target moves into the telegraph instead of starting inside it.

these are just some ideas off the top of my head some probably work better than others but you get the point. and i am sure there are even more better ones that that i haven't thought of.
We should take out attack damage too, abilities should just do a certain amount of damage. lol Don't mean to mindlessly just try to bash you... but I really don't understand how you can hate crit so much... Someone that doesn't put points into crit will not crit much and it will show. Someone that wants to crit alot will need to sacrifice stats from somewhere else. All balances IMO... Sure someone with 33% crit might crit 6 hits in a row... WOW lucky right? They also might go 20 hits without Criting at all, while still having their disadvantage from sacrificing another stat....
why does everyone assume i hate crit i really don't!!! i just think there are better systems. i feel really stupid quoting myself but i feel it is necessary.
just to clarify as people seem to keep misunderstanding my point about crits, i have no problem with crits none at all but i think a system that does not use RNG for crits would be great and would add even more skill to the game.
see i have already stated i don't hate crit! please stop putting words in my mouth.
From Jeremy Gaffney Carbine Studios:

Personally I (and Chris, the lead combat designer) both agree that spamming "F" is actually the weak one of the bunch in the vid. Part is the main reason mentioned here (macroability). OTOH, there's something to be said for it in actual gameplay because, despite the other arguments against ("why hit keys? Just let me out early instead") it actually feels right in a strange way. Like you're struggling against something that then lets you out. And feel does matter.

And the minmaxxer in you might know that if you're "good" at the mini game (through macro hardware or clickin' skill) it is trivial, but at a more base level you actually do feel like you have more control over your fate by solving the mini-puzzle.

However, here's another downside of the F-spam: it doesn't combo as nicely as the other CCs. For instance, if you disarm someone and then disorient them, the disarm is more effective, but through skill you might still rapidly get your weapon back. Tether and disarm is a great combo that isn't insta-win: you don't have a weapon, so damaging the anchor is harder, and the tether might keep your weapon out of range. But disarm might randomly drop your sword within tether range so it might not matter and you rapidly break out...so a nontrivial combo, often effective, but still with options.

But F-spam doesn't naturally combo well in the same fashion. It's one of the first ones we did, and it "feels" pretty good, so we have it in there. It's IMO fairly likely to shift to something else through iteration (though that's really up to the combat guys and beta feedback).

Some alternatives:

a) something we've knocked around for mez could work: your soul gets "knocked back" out of your body and you have to return to your body to get control - might feel good, but does create some special case code; disorient probably affects your spirit, but direct damage goes to your body instead, causing some neat combos and meaning you can't be dodging etc. until you're back in your body, which is gonna be Trouble. Kinda a parallel to disarm.

b) tie it in more with a root type effect - put your feet in a boulder which needs damage to break through it, otherwise you can't move. IMO I like root effects more than stun/mez because it makes the environment usage matter - run an enemy around a corner and root them and you remove them from combat but with more interesting gameplay options than just "wait for the effect to end"

c) some of the other concepts mentioned in the thread - less macroable versions of what's in there. Does suffer from the lack of interactability with the other effects and might feel like "type in your ATM pin code" to break out though (the issue with combo attacks back in the Age of Conan era IMO, not to diss that game as I enjoyed it).

And feel's important on these, it makes a big difference when it feels right (kinda why F-spam has survived through a few iterations).

Anyways treat none of this as gospel as the combat guys have control over the direction of all this and I trust 'em, but just thoughts on reading the options mentioned here.
We should take out attack damage too, abilities should just do a certain amount of damage. lol Don't mean to mindlessly just try to bash you... but I really don't understand how you can hate crit so much... Someone that doesn't put points into crit will not crit much and it will show. Someone that wants to crit alot will need to sacrifice stats from somewhere else. All balances IMO... Sure someone with 33% crit might crit 6 hits in a row... WOW lucky right? They also might go 20 hits without Criting at all, while still having their disadvantage from sacrificing another stat....

At some point, I just don't want it to be that deep. Maybe I'm not hardcore enough, but skillshots sound like enough work to me as is. If you make it any more skill refined, I think you could alienate more casual players like me. But you'd probably have a really rabid cult following, too.
ya i understand i am really just talking about my ideal game, and i love complex high skill cap games. i know it would not be ideal for everyone just interesting ideas. :p
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