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Wildstar Wildstar mounts


New member
I have not seen any threads of this topic before, I might be awefully wrong tho. I have heard that they will have mounts in the game, but have we seen any? do we have any information on mounts ( how they will work etc ), We have seen a vehicle but that is some sort of settlers work. Thought/ideas? :D
Heard about flying mounts, hmm I dont know what to feel to be honest, like I like to have it available but I hope they wont ruin wold pvp with it : ss
Heard about flying mounts, hmm I dont know what to feel to be honest, like I like to have it available but I hope they wont ruin wold pvp with it : ss
The world was originally built with flying mounts in mind, but Carbine has said (after a large uproar of the community) that they are rethinking actually implementing flying mounts. It is still in the air if we will see flying mounts, or if we may see a flying variation (gliders), or if they will be removed completely.

Land mounts will be accessible somewhat early in the game I believe (not sure of exact level). We have seen motor bikes so far, both as controllable mounts and as automated taxi's (Think Flight Points in WoW, but settlers make the points at hubs).
With flying mounts comes the ability to fly onto mountains, which would make the explorer path a bit redundant when it comes to end game, I am sure they have thought about this, but I do see flying mounts as a problem if they intend for explorers to do a bunch of jumping puzzles.
I hate flying mounts in any game. It ruined WoW immersion for me and made so much stuff trivial. Make travel easier between long points then make us run. Also the explorer thing.

I love the way gliding was implemented in Cube World. I would be ok with gliding. It's basically a temp speed boost that lets you strategically jump over more stuff, but doesn't let you ignore it all completely.
I hate flying mounts in any game. It ruined WoW immersion for me and made so much stuff trivial. Make travel easier between long points then make us run. Also the explorer thing.

I love the way gliding was implemented in Cube World. I would be ok with gliding. It's basically a temp speed boost that lets you strategically jump over more stuff, but doesn't let you ignore it all completely.

I agree completely. I'd prefer we have nothing at all unless they find a way to make all the explorer stuff not trivial afterwards.

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I enjoyed having the flying mounts in WoW. However, I had already fully enjoyed the environments on the ground before taking to the air. I would feel differently if I missed out on all that content entirely. Also, the dev who made the grass would be bummed.
If you are sitting in the ER with only 10% on your phone battery and no charger, I would hope you wouldn't be on this site and saving your battery for more important things. Like maybe, calling important people in your life and telling them you are in the ER.

Not to mention your phones battery usage has nothing to do with you quoting a post or not.
I dont mind flying mounts per se, however, in a game which points at exploration as a big portion of gameplay I think they are a terrible addition.
Furthermore, I remain of the idea that on PvP servers flying mounts should be disabled in contested areas, I mean even WoW has begun to disable them in higly "pvp" areas in MoP...

I hope they change their minds in regards to flying mounts, as they don't seem to fit at all in WS, seeing that we even have double jump and sprint to climb/parkour around the world.
I just got the image of an explorer unlocking the ability to climb a mountain and then a settler building a gliding station, a bit like the ones on FireFall if anyone knows what I am talking about, then having your guild or group us it to get across faster, a bit like the Dev Speak on paths where the settler builds speeder bikes but with a glider, would make your PvP group feel a bit like paratroopers.
If you are sitting in the ER with only 10% on your phone battery and no charger, I would hope you wouldn't be on this site and saving your battery for more important things. Like maybe, calling important people in your life and telling them you are in the ER.

Not to mention your phones battery usage has nothing to do with you quoting a post or not.

This is still another example of, if you knew what you were talking about, it would be much better. The OW-PVP quote was taken from the same question that the flying mounts question is in. I didn't know that I needed to spell everything out lol.... My phone's battery has nothing to do with quoting or not quoting? Considering that the act of finding and using the quote from the article would take more time, more time = more battery, I don't see what you mean. "It's" (as in "it is" to clarify) really not complicated.
I could see flying mounts in Warplots to invade other groups' fortresses, but I think building giant trebuchets and flinging people at each other would be more fun.
I honestly don't mind flying mounts. I'm not going to lie, that feeling I got of getting my first flying mount in WoW was pretty magical. I do agree that there would have to be some balancing for immersion. I think a good solution would be to get rid of general chat and group finds. I think flying mounts would be a nice compromise for that. It's less convenient then group find, but more convenient then having nothing at all so people won't /cry as much.
I honestly don't mind flying mounts. I'm not going to lie, that feeling I got of getting my first flying mount in WoW was pretty magical. I do agree that there would have to be some balancing for immersion. I think a good solution would be to get rid of general chat and group finds. I think flying mounts would be a nice compromise for that. It's less convenient then group find, but more convenient then having nothing at all so people won't /cry as much.

It was cool having a flying mount in WoW the first time, they also made it so that you couldn't just jump on one in the expansion but had to LV first and then obtain it which was a good way to have the player explore the environment first, however for a game like Wildstar if they are going to have jumping puzzles and other mountains to scale I don't see how they can have flying mounts. Of course Carbine has stated they are rethinking the whole flying mount issue I am sure they will come up with something cool :)
It was cool having a flying mount in WoW the first time, they also made it so that you couldn't just jump on one in the expansion but had to LV first and then obtain it which was a good way to have the player explore the environment first, however for a game like Wildstar if they are going to have jumping puzzles and other mountains to scale I don't see how they can have flying mounts. Of course Carbine has stated they are rethinking the whole flying mount issue I am sure they will come up with something cool :)

I would like to see flying mounts have a fuel gage and only run for limited around of time. This would stop ruining the immersion and be a great gold sink for server economy.

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