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Wildstar Wildstar mounts

I would like to see flying mounts have a fuel gage and only run for limited around of time. This would stop ruining the immersion and be a great gold sink for server economy.


Nah, either give em to us or don't. Don't make them suck. If they want limited flight travel with a gold sink, a flightpath/taxi system like WoW used would suffice.
Nah, either give em to us or don't. Don't make them suck. If they want limited flight travel with a gold sink, a flightpath/taxi system like WoW used would suffice.
Well I could see a cool "gliding" mechanic to be available from stations in small towns. Limited flying capabilities instead of unlimited would still be cool.
I'm okay with flying mounts, as long as they are implemented properly. In Burning Crusade, they had more of a reason to be used since you used them to reach certain places in outland. With Wrath Cata and MoP even, I felt that they just made the world smaller and killed immersion. During BC, the feel of flying around a shattered world was amazing, if they can recreate that in Wild Star and give us areas that are only accessible by flight then I;d say a job well done.
For me, flying mounts are good option, and i think they are not stupid and they wont let flyin mounts land on the mountains where explorers have their place, also it brings more PvP funny options, and maybe its unbalanced but its funny and thats the reason why we/i ( i dont know if u but it seems to be like that ) are gonna play WS, its funny and intelligent.
For me flying mounts have never been funny. They have been a tool for me to use that bypasses content. Even in open world pvp, the flying mount let me bypass the ability of others to prepare for me coming.

Flying mounts slow down leveling, let you bypass great content, and ruin immersion. I am against them.
We have space travel, magic and ray guns, but we can't figure out how to make a personal flying vehicle? Immersion?
The immersion loss is from skipping everything you would otherwise have to run through on the ground.
I'm for them but only if they do something like burning crusade, you had to lvl up so I never missed any content. But I do agree that it can ruin world pvp because it will change how people play, with flying mounts you can just fly all the way up and go afk but without them you need to find a spot to hide and if you don't someone will find you and most likely kill you which causes you to want to kill them and before you know it a battle has started, I liked the flying mounts because it gave you a feeling of more freedom in the game but in contested areas in WoW I would barely ever see anyone and my server had a high population, and when you did finally see someone they would get off their flying mount, kill you, laugh and fly away never to be seen again. I think if they didn't add flying mounts I wouldn't complain, any mount is better than no mount *cough cough* GW2 *cough cough*
I dunno. Seems fine to me if you just don't get your flying mounts until the level cap or something. Then again, if the content is designed with flying mounts in mind, then NOT flying is missing content.
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