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World of Warcraft

The lobby is there for anyone and everyone no matter how many or trollish. Just don't give out the password for the protected areas.
Seriously though, those WoW people are like crackheads. It'll take some doing to pull them away from that teat.
Someone go buy me MoP and a month and level my characters to 90 and transfer them to whatever server you're on. Then I'll do RBG's

Edit: Oh, and get me at least the start set of pvp gear.
I loved WoW for 8 years. Then I beat the game and now I have no desire to play anymore.

I do have a figure print of my first character, and my last character who I beat the game with. They are pretty awesome.
Someone go buy me MoP and a month and level my characters to 90 and transfer them to whatever server you're on. Then I'll do RBG's

Edit: Oh, and get me at least the start set of pvp gear.

You can join RBG groups cross server now, just have to be same faction obviously. The few of us are playing Horde together. Though Velorra and I have main's on alliance.
You can join RBG groups cross server now, just have to be same faction obviously. The few of us are playing Horde together. Though Velorra and I have main's on alliance.
That said, someone buy me MoP, level my characters up, get me starter gear, and pay for a month sub. :)
Yeah just the four of us didnt know 5 of them at all. The one guy leading was a friend of Anxiety's. Kinda hard to get the leader to drop their usual Skype to come to a Mumble with their buddies that we don't know :p Just made more sense to use Skype in this situation.

It NEVER makes more sense to use Skype. Lol. Skype is a HUGE bandwidth hog, I don't get this new generation haha. It is like our generation used ICQ then moved to TEamspeak, then Vent because it was faster, then mumble, cause it was even faster better quality and less resources, but then the next generation is like, OOOOO RESOURCE AND BANDWIDTH HOG SKYPE!!! Lets DO THIS!

Mumble actually has a great setting for adjusting the sensitivity for voice chat if you wanna go hands free. Just don't live where I live is all.
It NEVER makes more sense to use Skype. Lol. Skype is a HUGE bandwidth hog, I don't get this new generation haha. It is like our generation used ICQ then moved to TEamspeak, then Vent because it was faster, then mumble, cause it was even faster better quality and less resources, but then the next generation is like, OOOOO RESOURCE AND BANDWIDTH HOG SKYPE!!! Lets DO THIS!

Get Google Fiber and solve all your problems.

O wait, you guys can't get it yet. awwwww.
It's been a few months since I play cause my Guild broke up but I love to come and run with you guys Battletag: DeathRoamer#1906
It NEVER makes more sense to use Skype. Lol. Skype is a HUGE bandwidth hog, I don't get this new generation haha. It is like our generation used ICQ then moved to TEamspeak, then Vent because it was faster, then mumble, cause it was even faster better quality and less resources, but then the next generation is like, OOOOO RESOURCE AND BANDWIDTH HOG SKYPE!!! Lets DO THIS!

Mumble actually has a great setting for adjusting the sensitivity for voice chat if you wanna go hands free. Just don't live where I live is all.

Funny thing is, when I play with my cousins I always use skype haha. But then we always lag. They have such shitty server management.

Also BTW I know I may give you guys shit for the Skype usage, but understand I am only trying to make sure you all don't get lost in the mix. It can come off micromanagy as I told Vesi, but I have seen groups go off before specially when first getting here, and they are often segregated from the whole. People are nervous to approach them so not to mess with the clique kinda thing.

Anyway, you can obviously do what you want, I am not here to tell anyone how to game... was just trying to give you all who have been skyping a place to do it with our mumble servers and the like so not to get lost in the mix. So please enjoy the channels and feel free to request more.

If you need more help with the mumble setup feel free to hit me up.
I didn't realize that we would be PVPing on the alliance side, I'll have to switch one of my ALTs over or lvl a new one up.
I didn't realize that we would be PVPing on the alliance side, I'll have to switch one of my ALTs over or lvl a new one up.

Nah Anxiety and her boyfriend's mains are Horde. We usually PVP on the Horde with them. Velorra and I have geared characters on both sides, but our mains are alliance.

Anyone play World of Warcraft? There are a couple people in AltTabMe that play and we did RBG's together last night - won all of them. If you play World of Warcraft, post your Battle Tag so we can add you. We enjoy PvP, but would also do dungeons to hang out!


Please tell me Horde? I have 90 Frost Mage, Holy Paladin, Arms Warrior, Ele/Resto Shaman, and Boomkin but I have mostly just played Mage this season. I'm full Tyr, gemmed and enchanted trying out Haste build running 16% crit, 28% haste, and 47% mastery. I'd love to join sometime, I haven't had friends to RBG with since Tribune during early Cata. It would be an absolute blast! =)

At this point in season I could have any of them full Tyr within a day of arena with my cousin so let me know. I mained Holy Paladin for 5+ years as well.

Anyone play World of Warcraft? There are a couple people in AltTabMe that play and we did RBG's together last night - won all of them. If you play World of Warcraft, post your Battle Tag so we can add you. We enjoy PvP, but would also do dungeons to hang out!


Battletag Grimnar#1678 I'm on Stormreaver Horde NA
All this talk of WoW is getting me all jostled up... Are people still playing this? I might have to resubscribe if a lot of people are playing.

Battle tag: DannyHeads#1293

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