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World of Warcraft's Westfall meets Unreal Engine 4


War Priestess

Blizzard wants World of Warcraft to live for another ten years, so it's safe to assume the studio won't rebuild the MMO from scratch, if that's even possible. That's fine, but computer graphics have advanced enormously since 2004, and none of Blizzard's iterative graphical improvements could hope to compete with, say, an open world RPG running in Unreal Engine 4.
Thankfully YouTube user Daniel L (aka Daniel Luchau) has painstakingly recreated WoW's Westfall area in UE4. The video above is a virtual tour of the region (sans NPCs and players) with dynamic lighting and shadows. According to the video description Luchau pulled textures from CGtextures.com and Unreal demos, but also extracted some models direct from the source material.
This isn't the first of Luchau's UE4 videos: he also recreated and filmed the Elwynn Forest area. Eventually he'd like to release the builds to VR platforms, which is very exciting indeed.
Very pretty, but...
Just not the same without the really creepy role-playing and constant dueling goons.
I remember going through the little town there on my way to Karazhan and killing off lesser geared horde that were griefing ally on low level toons. It passed the time while I waited for the raid to start.

My warlock friend and I also liked summoning a Doomguard in the middle of Goldshire. We would get lowbies that didn't know what it was click the little box with us. Then the giant Doomguard would come out. He wouldn't tame it, just watch it wreak havoc. The guards were low enough level then that they didn't pose much of a threat to it.
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