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World War Z


୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨ Stronk
So I just saw this last night. I have to say, I wasn't too impressed. If you have read the book you are in for loads of disappointment, but even if I pretend it had a different title I still wasn't too in to it. I didn't mind the first half of the movie, however
The whole second half with the WHO seemed really lame to me. People were laughing at inappropriate times because the zombies were just kind of dumb. Also, the whole 'camoflauge' thing didn't do it for me.
There is almost no connection to the books. It basically took the entire point of the book, placed it firmly on the counter, and took a huge dump on it.
everyone who was into the books pretty much knew this and was up in arms about it for months now. They took one story from the book then tweaked it beyond recognition and slapped the book title on it.

the only things the movie has in common with the book is the name and it has zombies in it.
everyone who was into the books pretty much knew this and was up in arms about it for months now. They took one story from the book then tweaked it beyond recognition and slapped the book title on it.

the only things the movie has in common with the book is the name and it has zombies in it.

So disappointing. WHY MAX WHY!?!?! Friggin Sellout.
It probably wasn't max's fault. I bet his contract to sell the rights for the movie let them screw with it as much as they wanted. At that point his hands are tied.

At least they could adapt it again as a more true adaptation and we would get 2 zombie movies out of it. Or, you know, just enjoy the book.
So you didn't read the book?

Sent from Droid Razr Maxx HD via Tapatalk

Oh I did, but I just took the movie as its own thing with the same name. I knew there was no way they'd follow how the book went and as a standalone movie it was quite good... just like if you ignore the "mandarin" in ironman 3.
Haha, yeah. I just can't get past it for this one i guess

Sent from Droid Razr Maxx HD via Tapatalk
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