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Your First Video Game


Praise the Sun!

There have been a bunch of nostaglia threads across the forums as of late and it boggled my mind that we didn't have one for video games. I want you to think back long and hard and try and remember that first video game you ever played whether it be on console, PC, at an arcade, whatever.

Mine was Chip and Dale's Rescue Rangers for the PC. It was a DOS based game that ran in green and white on my old Tandy, but it was something that entertained me for hours as a kid. I found a quick little review on it.

Peter and the wolf on the apple II

Or the Atari games but I don't remember it.

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Well, Being born in 1987 during the birth/growing stage of the NES, I was "playing" games as a baby. Y'know, holding controllers and imitating whoever else was playing. But my earliest recollection of games is the NES. Mario 1,3, and Tiny Toons is primarily what I owned and played. I would rent Mario 2 and Legend of Zelda from our local store (pre-blockbuster, Viva La Video. Shady place with a "curtained area"). I would also borrow Megaman 2 and 3 from my Uncle Rob.

These are all my gaming foundation, and remember so clearly how I would play these games on the living room floor. I remember asking my sister to help with falling in quicksand in Tiny Toons because I couldn't press the jump button fast enough. The first time I could do it without her help, I was so excited. My mother is the one who showed me the secret 1-up in Mario 3 in the very first leve (flying up the coin stream over the first pit). Stories of how my father opened the NES box before wrapping it for Christmas so he could play Mario 1 all into the night.

All of these things are what I remember. My first game is the whole collection of these games. Later on I would watch the original Final Fantasy from my cousin who was playing it at my grandmothers. It seemed SO COOL at the time, being able to go on an adventure. I couldn't play it, I couldn't read it all that well being like 3 or so. But I'll always remember watching him fight Cid and his pirate crew, then taking off in his boat.
The first game I´ve played was Bugs Bunny birthday blowout for NES, the first game I bought with my own money was Dune2000 for PC.
The first game I ever owned, this would have been about 1988:

Prior to that, I played an ASCII programmed Centipede game off a large floppy disk at a friend's house. I don't know what kind of computer it was, but it had a tiny screen and all the characters were green.
old school nintendo and then sega genesis games. As for PC...I believe it was an old old old Jane's M1A1 Abrams Tank Sim game. It was WAY old and had like 4 pixels. The first game that really stuck with me though was Command and Conquer: Red Alert! LONG LIVE WESTWOOD STUDIOS!
The first game I ever played was an old Double Dragon cabinet at a local arcade in Fort Lauderdale with my friend. I loved the hell out of that game and fed quarters into it until the arcade closed down. Suck it, Abobo!
Since I am older than dirt, I actually programed my first video game into a portable computer my dad brought home. I didn't write the code, I just transcribed it into the computer from sheets of paper, maybe a computing magazine. It was a maze game that you were a couple of pixels stacked and you ran through the maze. I remember there was one point where I had to jump over a pit. And there was a snake boss.

My first produced video game was pac man on the atari 2600. My dad bought the console specifically for the game.
The first game I remember playing and enjoyed watching my uncle play was Mike Tyson's Punch Out. We would play that game for hours taking turns trying to beat each opponent.
The first game I remember playing and enjoyed watching my uncle play was Mike Tyson's Punch Out. We would play that game for hours taking turns trying to beat each opponent.

That game was the shiznit. Didn't they remove Tyson and rename it later on? It was still Tyson as the last boss, but they called him Mr. Dream.
I think your right

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Wiki'd it. Apparently, their license to use Tyson's name ran out, but the game was popular so they just changed some names. I'm willing to bet that ones called "Mike Tyson's Punch Out" are fairly valuable collector's items now.

Edit: Lol, nope! Just $5-$15 on ebay

It's crazy. There's a copy of Donkey Kong Jr Math that's listed at $10,000. Apparently, fun has nothing to do with price.
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