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Your First Video Game

I bought the first Xbox strictly because of Halo.
I bought a Gameboy SP for Pokemon
I bought a Gameboy DS for Pokemon
I bought a Gameboy 3DS for Pokemon
I bought a Gameboy 3DS XL for Pokemon
I bought a Wii for Smash Bros.
I bought a Wii U for Smash Bros
I bought a PS3 for FFXIII (/regret for that game, but worth the purchase overall)
I bought my ASUS for GW2

I use all of these systems for other things, but primarily bought them because I wanted to play these.

I am buying a PS4 for general Gaming though. No real "MUST HAVE" game yet.
I was able to resist buying most Nintendo systems until the Zelda title was released. Then resistance was futile.
There is always a single game that will cause you to buy a new system.

For me I bought
Super Nintendo because of Super Mario World
PS1 because of FF7
Xbox because of Halo
Wii because of Smash Brothers Melee
Xbox 360 because of Halo 3
There is always a single game that will cause you to buy a new system.

I can't remember my first game at all. I just know it was definitely on the Atari. I used to play a variety of games on there with my older brother and dad. It wasn't long before we got the NES though. Played that a lot. SNES is the time when I really really remember playing games (by then I was 6).

To this day, my brother (who is 9 years older than me) still complains about the fact that I figured out and beat Super Metroid before he did.
There is always a single game that will cause you to buy a new system.

For me I bought
Super Nintendo because of Super Mario World
PS1 because of FF7
Xbox because of Halo
Wii because of Smash Brothers Melee
Xbox 360 because of Halo 3

Halo is the reason I switched from PS1 to Xbox too. I can't remember what my first game was but FFVIII was the first game I bought myself.
Well, Being born in 1987 during the birth/growing stage of the NES, I was "playing" games as a baby. Y'know, holding controllers and imitating whoever else was playing. But my earliest recollection of games is the NES. Mario 1,3, and Tiny Toons is primarily what I owned and played. I would rent Mario 2 and Legend of Zelda from our local store (pre-blockbuster, Viva La Video. Shady place with a "curtained area"). I would also borrow Megaman 2 and 3 from my Uncle Rob.

These are all my gaming foundation, and remember so clearly how I would play these games on the living room floor. I remember asking my sister to help with falling in quicksand in Tiny Toons because I couldn't press the jump button fast enough. The first time I could do it without her help, I was so excited. My mother is the one who showed me the secret 1-up in Mario 3 in the very first leve (flying up the coin stream over the first pit). Stories of how my father opened the NES box before wrapping it for Christmas so he could play Mario 1 all into the night.

All of these things are what I remember. My first game is the whole collection of these games. Later on I would watch the original Final Fantasy from my cousin who was playing it at my grandmothers. It seemed SO COOL at the time, being able to go on an adventure. I couldn't play it, I couldn't read it all that well being like 3 or so. But I'll always remember watching him fight Cid and his pirate crew, then taking off in his boat.


I was born in 1988 but I remember those fondly. I could never remember which game it was but I always remembered being Bugs Bunny throwing a football at Taz hahahaha. These were so good back in the day.

Also Duck Hunt LOL.

I was born in 1988 but I remember those fondly. I could never remember which game it was but I always remembered being Bugs Bunny throwing a football at Taz hahahaha. These were so good back in the day.

Also Duck Hunt LOL.
Bugs Bunny Crazy Castle was a lot of fun! I remember renting that a couple times.

I bought the first Xbox strictly because of Halo.

Thats pretty funny. I didn't "buy" the first xbox but my dad did get it on a trade with some games for me. The guy wanted some upgrades for his car "My dad owned his own shop where he did anything and everything to a vehicle" and knew i wanted one and the guy offered it as a trade and he got it for him.

However this is not my first game, its tough thinking about which one was my first... I had the first PS1 and Xbox. I went to my friends to play the N64... i think it was one of the Final Fantasy games :p
My first (I was 4 years old) was a computer game where you are a boy who is fighting aliens on a platformer similar to Super Mario Bros. I remember playing on my dad's old computer and having so much fun that I pissed myself instead of leaving the game. It was from that day that I knew that games and I had a bond deeper than any friendship.
ok so first game i played was super mario on the snes...or nes, i forget which one. it was my bestfriend/neighbours.
first PC game i played was Blake Stone i think. back when we used windows dos and you just had that blue square in the top right :D
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