Recent content by Jiggyyo

  1. Jiggyyo

    GTA5 [PC] 'Zebra Skin' on Online Character (fixed)

    Yes, this is an issue. I have it. I imported my ps3 character and it had black stripes over it; looks nasty to say the least. I obviously started looking for a fix, and people said updating your Nvidia drivers to the GTA5 GameReady drivers solves it. I’m writing this while the new drivers are...
  2. Jiggyyo

    FPS Dice actually did something very good! (New patch)

    I will come out of my dark corner of browsing...Stuff, and talk about the new big thing (no, not the iPhone 6)… THE FALL (AUTUMN) PATCH FOR BATTLEFIELD 4! Swedes are very creative with names. Oh jeez, what’s this? The god forsaken game that had crashes and issues at launch, that made...
  3. Jiggyyo

    FPS The adventure of fixing the 'spinning bug'

    This will be a help post, might be quite long. But I wanted to keep it decently detailed of what I’ve tried and what worked for me. It is not 100% certain that this will fix it for you, but this usually seems to be the issue. So, I decided to take a little break from the BF4 rounds. Study the...
  4. Jiggyyo

    FPS Battlefield Gameplay Map Breakdown Videos

    Here’s some uncut Battlefield 4 gameplay for you guys, its uploaded by Jackfrags, recorded at Gamescom 2013 by himself. Really good watch, its 1 hour long though, so don’t dehydrate yourselves. ;)
  5. Jiggyyo

    Jiggyyo's Application

    Name Daniel Age (must be 18+) 20 Where are you from? (timezone) Sweden Do you have any friends who are Members? If so, who? Jia and Drifter, also played with Tristan, Gyoin and Sivenr Character Name(s) Jiggyyo What games do you wish to play with the alttabme community? Any game you want, Im...
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