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Affleck is Batman


Praise the Sun!
Source: http://variety.com/2013/film/news/ben-affleck-is-the-new-batman-1200586881/

So it looks like Ben Affleck has been cast as Batman for the new Superman/Batman movie slated for 2015. This will (once again) reboot the Batman franchise and probably be the beginnings of the Justice League movies. I think this is an interesting choice (much like Ledger playing Joker). Affleck has the capability of pulling this off. I am interested to see how this all plays out.
I am definitely skeptical but am willing to hold off on casting judgment since I have been surprised before. Let's just hope he can pull it off.
Here's the thing: if you are going to put Batman and Superman on the screen together, they need to be in stark contrast too each other. In other words, you need a very boy-scout-ey Superman, and a very gritty, dark Batman. I don't see Affleck as either gritty or dark. This could be another Clooney debacle in the making.
Here's the thing: if you are going to put Batman and Superman on the screen together, they need to be in stark contrast too each other. In other words, you need a very boy-scout-ey Superman, and a very gritty, dark Batman. I don't see Affleck as either gritty or dark. This could be another Clooney debacle in the making.

I agree that Batman is the dark to Superman's light. I disagree with the fact that you don't think Affleck could pull off a being that darker batman though.

Maybe. I'm just gun shy after Clooney.

I haven't seen the new Superman yet, so I'm not sure about that actor either. However, I have read the first Superman issue in DC's New 52, and I don't like that Superman at all. They are trying to make him edgy and conflicted and a bit of a loose cannon. Some of that can be chalked up to him being brand new at the hero thing, but Superman really needs to be the anchor- you always know exactly what he'll do before he does it. Batman is the wild card that thinks outside the box and acts all crazy. If they try to give Supes angst, it will keep him from clashing with Batman's broodiness.
I mean, here is my main fear:

Agree! LOL! Facepalm! All of the above! That was such a bad movie for so many reasons. BUT - Colin Farrell, Now there is a good Batman! He has that bad-boy persona along with the hint of psychoses.
For all you band-wagoners who want to point out his flops or non dramatic roles. I know! Let's just ignore his latest film and talk about the ones he was in long ago. I say to you, go watch Argo. He has the acting chops to do a good job at this.

He and the rest of the cast won and were nominated for tons of awards for that.

Instead let's all trash on him because, you know, its an internet meme now.

All I have to say about this whole thing is summarized in this webpage. http://nooooooooooooooo.com/

Gigli. I rest my case.

I mean, here is my main fear:

For all you band-wagoners who want to point out his flops or non dramatic roles. I know! Let's just ignore his latest film and talk about the ones he was in long ago. I say to you, go watch Argo. He has the acting chops to do a good job at this.

He and the rest of the cast won and were nominated for tons of awards for that.

Instead let's all trash on him because, you know, its an internet meme now.

Well Argo was decent, but I didn't honestly think it was too amazing. Awards don't really hold much bearing on how I view actors or movies. Like I said, I am willing to give him a chance and to hold off on saying, "ZOMG HE'S HORRIBLE I HATE THIS BATMAN IS DEAD TO ME." I was referencing Daredevil in order to highlight my skepticism of his acting in a movie based on a comic. We have seen that he can play "real people," and I'm not arguing that.
Daredevil was really badly directed. This will have Snyder/Nolan; hopefully, Snyder will do the impressive music-video-esque visuals he's known for, and Nolan will bring the substance. Affleck himself is not a bad guy. Remember how everyone was terrified when Robert Downey Jr. was cast as Iron Man? Or Heath Ledger as The Joker?

So relax. Unless they cast Jennifer Lopez as Catwoman. In which case I give you all permission to scream loudly, wordlessly, and with unrelenting anguish.
Daredevil was really badly directed. This will have Snyder/Nolan; hopefully, Snyder will do the impressive music-video-esque visuals he's known for, and Nolan will bring the substance. Affleck himself is not a bad guy. Remember how everyone was terrified when Robert Downey Jr. was cast as Iron Man? Or Heath Ledger as The Joker?

So relax. Unless they cast Jennifer Lopez as Catwoman. In which case I give you all permission to scream loudly, wordlessly, and with unrelenting anguish.

I totally missed the Iron Man/Joker anxiety. I don't think I was familiar enough with them to be worried.
Well, Heath Ledger was kind of seen as a frivolous heartthrob after movies like Ten Things I Hate About You. We all know better now.
Ok, While I will say that I might give Affleck a shot. No previous batman beats Christian Bale, and I have seen just about all the Batman movies ever made. From Michael Keaton to George Clooney, all the way back to the old Robert Lowery batman in 1949. It was in B&W lol. So yea Batman is my Favorite super Hero. Christian Bale has played him the best, and to follow it with Ben Affleck? I just dont see a good movie happening.
Ben Affleck has done some good movies but i just don't see him as a good Batman , but i also didn't think Heath Ledger was going to be a good Joker but he was by far my favorite so maybe Affleck will suprise me .
I mean, here is my main fear:

Daredevil was a good, fun superhero movie. Sure, if you try and pull deep, meaningful substance out of it you'll fall short but that's because it's a COMIC BOOK movie. I don't get the "we want hyper realism, grimdark grittiness" attitude these days. Michael Clark Duncan (bless his beautiful soul) was a badass Kingpin and nobody can deny that Colin Farrell's Bullseye was awesome as hell. Give me back the camp in my superhero movies, I miss it dearly.

Ok, While I will say that I might give Affleck a shot. No previous batman beats Christian Bale, and I have seen just about all the Batman movies ever made. From Michael Keaton to George Clooney, all the way back to the old Robert Lowery batman in 1949. It was in B&W lol. So yea Batman is my Favorite super Hero. Christian Bale has played him the best, and to follow it with Ben Affleck? I just dont see a good movie happening.
Nolan's Batman movies were little more than "some rich guy with money dressed as Batman, while the real Batman goes off and has a small holiday." The highlight of ALL those movies were the villains, while the Bat-Bale ran around trying his best at a Nathan Explosion impression. This is my issue with supposed fans. Batman is a detective first and foremost, not a goddamn ninja. Bale played the "action star" Batman, while leaving out literally EVERY bit of detective work that could have been had. I mean, for fucks sake,
he slept with the MAIN villain in TDKR and felt up her fucking ninja class scar that just about ALL THE NINJAS HE TRAINED WITH HAD.

Also, Val Kilmer was the best Batman/Bruce Wayne. Everyone else excelled at one but not the other, and it made the movies feel weird and disjointed. Bale sucked at both, Bruce Wayne isn't a snobby douchebag and that is the only vibe I got from Bale.

Moral of the story: Ben Affleck is gonna be a fine Batman. Dude knows his shit, too.
Affleck is a horrible choice for batman period. Kinda pissed Bale said hes done. Also pissed if they intend to reboot the series again. I am getting so fucking tired of all this reboot bullshit. Granted it worked well and was needed in Spiderman but ffs enough. You will never rival the Avengers, so just pack it in now.
I disagree with sweetloaf regarding the return of campy Batman. Let's leave him in the Golden and Silver ages where he belongs. I agree that Bale was lacking when it came to Bruce Wayne character development. Although, Wayne is simply a mask that Batman wears, and I think he portrayed that well. I like my Waynes vapid, womanizing, and shallow. However, there needs to be the Batman just under the surface and Bale didn't have that depth.

I also liked Val Kilmer. Batman Forever was moved to my 2nd most favorite Batman movie after The Dark Knight came out. Kilmer, Tommy Lee Jones, and Jim Kerry were fantastic in Batman Forever, and Ledger is now legendary for his Joker performance. The villains really do make a good Batman movie. He needs a good antagonist the really shine. Joker was perfect because he broke all the rules. Superman doesn't know what to do with Joker, he can't handle villains with no sane motives. His head explodes. Batman, though, can get down to their level and beat the snot out of them.
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