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Affleck is Batman

I disagree with sweetloaf regarding the return of campy Batman. Let's leave him in the Golden and Silver ages where he belongs. I agree that Bale was lacking when it came to Bruce Wayne character development. Although, Wayne is simply a mask that Batman wears, and I think he portrayed that well. I like my Waynes vapid, womanizing, and shallow. However, there needs to be the Batman just under the surface and Bale didn't have that depth.

I also liked Val Kilmer. Batman Forever was moved to my 2nd most favorite Batman movie after The Dark Knight came out. Kilmer, Tommy Lee Jones, and Jim Kerry were fantastic in Batman Forever, and Ledger is now legendary for his Joker performance. The villains really do make a good Batman movie. He needs a good antagonist the really shine. Joker was perfect because he broke all the rules. Superman doesn't know what to do with Joker, he can't handle villains with no sane motives. His head explodes. Batman, though, can get down to their level and beat the snot out of them.

I don't mean back to 60s era television camp, but there's a level of "unrealism" that needs to be there for any movie to be a true superhero flick. Marvel does this well as I don't for a second think that any of their movies can plausibly happen outside of movieland. Nolan's Batman movies took the SUPER out of superhero and made Batman a regular jackoff with a ton of money. He took away Batman's ONLY super power (worlds best detective totally counts) and replaced it with "jealous/possessive asshole."

I'm also a fan of billionaire playboy philanthropist Bruce Wayne but I don't think having him be a prick meshes well with his Batman persona at all. The Wayne mask is there to keep up a good front so that he can own Gotham as Wayne and Batman. Bale just wanted to own everything and used Batman as an excuse, which was my issue. He wasn't Batman posing as Bruce Wayne it was Bruce Wayne in a fancy Batsuit.
I knew this would eventually make its way here lol

I am actually looking forward to this. I think he will do just fine. He is an actor and by definition... Oh never mind

Fawk commisionaw Gawdon! The Jowcah is back!
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