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Minecraft AltTabMe Minecraft Server

admin can port you to spawn
When you are logged in yes. But if logging in is causing the crash...
I will look this up.

Hmm, if Zakis could send me my .dat file located in /worlds/players I could edit myself out. And the worlds as well would be super awesome, because I could simply delete the one that is causing the crash.
Our bill is due on the 28th of september and due to a donation the server will remain up until October 28th. As always with our minecraft ventures, we are hot and cold and this has died out a bit. As of October 28th I am cancelling and saving the world file for those who want it.
Our bill is due on the 28th of september and due to a donation the server will remain up until October 28th. As always with our minecraft ventures, we are hot and cold and this has died out a bit. As of October 28th I am cancelling and saving the world file for those who want it.

Are you around for a sec? I would like to recover my character from the world I´m in, but that might require you to restart.
I will probably be finished with setting up my own home server somewhere around the end of next month, so maybe I can host on my own from that time. How high is the interest in that?
Also I´ve been looking at some of the FeedTheBeast modpacks and they are really awesome. Maybe once the first Minecraft 1.8 modpack shows up, we could run that one on the server.
yummy <3

I love me minecraft, it's just my interest for it comes and goes.

I think it will probably be pretty substantial by that time.. I wish I had decent bandwidth. :\[DOUBLEPOST=1412617980,1412617935][/DOUBLEPOST]
Are you around for a sec? I would like to recover my character from the world I´m in, but that might require you to restart.

Also, I totally read that as 'are you around for a sex'
and I was like, wow, he's willing to do a lot to keep the server online.
I wanted to build a server for ages, so why not start now. I have both time and the necessary parts (time in the sense of a vacation at the end of this month). The only thing I might be lacking is skill, but I hope I can get around that with google.
If the ping is not abysmal, we might even look into running mumble and the website on that server. We will see. First I need to build that thing.
I´ve been messing around with Horizons and I have to say it´s not bad but:
There is a massive memory leak in the Nether. It fills up my RAM in no time (11gb in Taskmanager within 30-40 mins or so) so we should probably wait for a minecraft 1.8 modpack.
lollll 11 gigs in the nether nice. I'll have to look up what horizons is.


Key points that I have discovered so far:
-Tinkerers mod and metallurgy mod.
Tinkerers allows you to build your tools from a variety of different materials with a variety of different stats, for example: A flint pickaxe with a wooden rod and paper binding. Or a sword made out of cactus. Also allows to repair stuff.
It also allows to build advanced tools, like the hammer that works like a pickaxe, it just mines 9 blocks at a time.
Additionally, you have smelteries for metals. They are a little bit difficult to set up, but once they are running you can make alloys and stuff.
And this is where metallurgy comes in. It dramatically increases the amount of different alloys you can make. Totally dig it.
-Biomes ´o plenty and alternative terrain generation
Gives more diversity in biomes and also a more "sensable" generation. Stuff like higher places being more dry and cold and places near the ocean being very green
For some reason I really like this mod. It introduces a new kind of water, that works just like regular water but is a reskin. But it is a very nice reskin. Also gives you some "beach"-themed recipes with bamboo.
Oh boy. Introduces 20-30 new different kinds of fruit and vegetables and recepies that go with it.

And that´s just a handful of mods. Right now I´m working on Thaumcraft, which is a magic type mod, where you have to gather essences and can craft magic spells. Very complicated, so I´m still looking into it.

For tech guys there is rotary craft, which is all about centrifuges and Thermal expansion, which is a energy generation mod.

In total its more than 100 mods. As I said, I would wait until a 1.8 modpack comes. It is really far more stable that way.
Woohoo, may have to come back for a day or two and build my treehouse.... since that's about as far as i have ever gone
Will hop on this week if the server is still up? Quite possibly tonight if i finish my final paper in time
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