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Catfish the TV Show

I'm Manti Te'o IRL, I got hardcore cat fished. :D JK, I've never watched this show, I figured it was another scripted fake MTV show. Maybe I'll give it a try though. velorra and I met in WoW. I had her go through a lengthy application process to be my online girlfriend. This process helped me determine if she was indeed, really a female.

That is really cute. I met my boyfriend on WoW! I dueled him outside Orgrimmar. lol
Oh man, me and my girlfriend watch this show all the time. I can't say I've ever personally been catfished, but a friend of mine dated a girl online for about 6 months that turned out to be a dude. :(

Ah man! I feel bad for him to a point that words can't express it...
Oh man, me and my girlfriend watch this show all the time. I can't say I've ever personally been catfished, but a friend of mine dated a girl online for about 6 months that turned out to be a dude. :(
That dude was me (not the one that got catfished). Jk, I've dated my fair share of women online, some good... some bad... but I've never really truly been fucked over hard. I may be lucky or a good judge of character, but I don't usually use the interwebs as my first means of trying to find a girl.
I know I joke around a lot about this kind of stuff but I do find it pretty demented for someone to be able to spend so much time tricking someone. For someone to trick a person into believing they're another gender, and develop a fake romantic relationship with them is beyond insane to me. You would literally have to take hours each night out of your life to play a long with this. I don't get it lol. AND that time would be way better spent playing Wildstar :D giggity
I like the catfish show. It forces people to get answers and closure on a crappy situation. Not all of them are catfishing though and some people get their happily ever after.

The show is the right kind of reality tv. Actual real life situations and not scripted to be more dramatic. Most of it backfires on the people though so you get your real life drama.

hmm Maybe I need to watch this show then, the title is confusing, makes me think it is going to go off the actual news ideas of a catfish scam.

The idea drives me up the wall though.

Maybe it is because growing up in the AOL days we were warned by our parents that no one was who they said they were on the internet. Shit I catfished people in UO all the time to get free shit. I was 12 btw.

Even that though made me mad at myself and I stopped cause it felt like I was rubbing off lies IRL. I don't like lies. They make me batshit. When I know the truth and someone else won't believe me, I start screaming. I mean I will kick and scream ont eh floor until you believe me. Movies where someone saw a ghost and the other doesn't believe them.. haha that would NOT happen in my world. YOU WOULD believe me.
I don't want to watch it. There are plenty of other ways to see how fucked up society is, and I try to avoid them all. I don't need to see it exploited by a network that used to have something to do with music as I recall.
hmm Maybe I need to watch this show then, the title is confusing, makes me think it is going to go off the actual news ideas of a catfish scam.

The idea drives me up the wall though.

Maybe it is because growing up in the AOL days we were warned by our parents that no one was who they said they were on the internet. Shit I catfished people in UO all the time to get free shit. I was 12 btw.

Even that though made me mad at myself and I stopped cause it felt like I was rubbing off lies IRL. I don't like lies. They make me batshit. When I know the truth and someone else won't believe me, I start screaming. I mean I will kick and scream ont eh floor until you believe me. Movies where someone saw a ghost and the other doesn't believe them.. haha that would NOT happen in my world. YOU WOULD believe me.

I completely agree. In the AOL days this shit happened every minute. I guess I shouldn't be surprised that it still goes on, even with the accessibility of the internet.

I don't understand what makes people trust complete strangers on the internet. Seriously people. -brucestopit-
Velorra and I met in WoW. I had her go through a lengthy application process to be my online girlfriend. This process helped me determine if she was indeed, really a female.

I met my previous boyfriend on FFXI. I was in a bad place psychologically and made some terrible decisions. I was with him for almost 8 years while he treated me horribly. On the complete flipside, I met my current boyfriend in WoW (he was my guild leader hehe), and he's crazy awesome.

The internet is full of people that run the full spectrum from amazing to terrible. I'm always open about who I am and how I am (and even why I am who I am). I expect the same from others before I seek a deeper relationship- friend or otherwise. Unfortunately teenagers and young adults (or even older people) may not have the life experience to create the best judgement. Sometimes it (unfortunately) takes a broken heart to wise up.
And sadly not everyone is willing to open themselves to the possibility of a broken heart to feel true love ;)
I catfished the hell out of my friend for like 2 weeks. The best part is 90% of the time I was doing it I was sitting next to him. The big reveal was fabulous and many laughs were had. I watched this movie a couple months ago and it was super interesting, crazy what weird nonsense lies people will tell.
Joking with someone is one thing, doing it maliciously or as a twisted way to feel better about yourself is totally another.

Also doing at as a joke is a little bit of a dick move imo. I know many people who would think it a funny joke, but for me its crossing the line a bit. That's just me though.
Joking with someone is one thing, doing it maliciously or as a twisted way to feel better about yourself is totally another.

Also doing at as a joke is a little bit of a dick move imo. I know many people who would think it a funny joke, but for me its crossing the line a bit. That's just me though.

I agree. It was incredibly dickish, but the guy in question needed to be knocked down a few pegs. After awhile it gets old hearing someone talk about how all they do is get laid every weekend(doesn't). I would never do it again, and I wouldn't have done it alone. The rest of my little social circle was also involved.

Sadly this also happens to my girlfriends mother like every other time she goes on a date with a guy from an online site. Usually posting older pictures from their glory days which have long been behind them.
Sadly this also happens to my girlfriends mother like every other time she goes on a date with a guy from an online site. Usually posting older pictures from their glory days which have long been behind them.
To me that is not catfishing. It is the normal way people lie to each other on the internet. When someone strings a person along and tries to never meet in real life, that is catfishing to me.

What happens to her sucks, but that is why you try to escalate the interaction to meeting as fast as possible. random internet/dating site --> Facebook/email --> Texting --> talking on the phone --> meet in person. The further you are to the right on that scale the better off you are.
To me that is not catfishing. It is the normal way people lie to each other on the internet. When someone strings a person along and tries to never meet in real life, that is catfishing to me.

What happens to her sucks, but that is why you try to escalate the interaction to meeting as fast as possible. random internet/dating site --> Facebook/email --> Texting --> talking on the phone --> meet in person. The further you are to the right on that scale the better off you are.

That's true. I'm not familiar with online dating at all, so I'm a little green on the topic. The first I had ever heard about it being a thing was through the movie. I totally agree with you on escalating the interaction. Some people are put off by that though; I've had people add me to whatever friends list due to mutual friends. They'd chat forever but as soon as something like "well, I'm gonna hit a bar or something, feel free to join" is dropped it's immediate silence, /unfriend, haha.

The internet is a strange beast, and one that I'll never fully understand.
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